Tank Stocking

Jul 18, 2015
Hello! I have a 10 gallon medium planted tank with an Aqueon 10g filter and a Tetra Whisper 10-20g filter and a small heater.

It's not densely planted yet as I am waiting for the plants that I have to grow in, so in time it will be. I have a mixed sand and gravel natural substrate from our local mountain fed river (protected by a national monument so no pollution what so ever).

I got this tank for my guppies. I currently have 5 breeding female guppies along with several nerite and mystery snails, and a pictus catfish. I moved my 2 adult and several juvenile males to a 5 gallon tank because they were harassing the females. I also remove the baby guppies to a little one gallon tank for their safety.

My question is this. My snails are reproducing like mad and soon are going to be everywhere. With the fish that I have my tank is at capacity I believe and I'm wondering if it would be safe to add a Reticulated Hillstream Loach to the mix to take care of some of the extra snails?

Thanks so much for the advice!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you've got an overpopulation of snails, it is usually due to overfeeding. Their numbers will stop shooting up if there isn't extra food around for them to munch. If you want to reduce their numbers in a different way, the easiest way is to put a slice of cucumber or zucchini in there overnight and then remove it in the morning when it is covered in snails. Remember not to release the snails into the environment though.

Everything I find about the hillstream loach says that they really need high water flow (ie, powerheads moving the water around) to provide high oxygenation. I don't know if that type of loach will eat snails in any case.

Also keep an eye on the pictus cat - I think they have a tendency to eat small fish...


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Kuhli loaches would do well with that substrate and they are neat little fish, however they will not eat snails (even the tiny new ones or the eggs). That is from personal experience. They do tend to hide but will come out more if there is more cover and/or more kuhli loaches.