Tank temp?


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Ninamarie, you need to unplug the heater before you leave for work. When that heater reaches 82 degrees you are supposed to unplug it anyway. Unplug the heater when you leave and then plug it back in when you get to work and so on...

He possably will be okay =D Mine NEVER had a heater but the light was on 23 hours a day cause I was given faulse info on my first betta, ended up that he was the longest living I have seen o.o And he lived in 86 all the time ^^ . Yours should be a-Okay inless he's a dual tailed betta, they have a harder time with high temps =D but thats why most are called tropical fish, they feel there best at 82-86 and are okay at lower temps till you get to 76 then it becomes dangerus ^^ if you could keep it at 80-83 he'll be better then ever. just watch for bacteria cause thats also there thriving level. o.o Whys your betta at work btw??


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
He's on my desk A guy from the mail room got me a crown tail to replace Sparky who died last monday the 16th and he is soo cool His name is Flipper and is doing great . I came in this morning and he was all zooming around and flaring his fins and stuff.
The heater is on it'sa t 78-80 and the light is on too. I turn the light off at night so it doesn't get too warm and keep the heater on. It's a steady temp so far. I have the filter off also cause he dosen't like the current(it's on the lowest setting for the water to fall into the tank but still...) but so far so good. He'as a happy boy


Superstar Fish
82F is FINE for a betta. Don't stress about it. My tanks are always running about that temp. naturally.

However, I do not suggest the use of the heater you bought. I tried it once and they always kept heating the tank up without turning off, because it is not adjustable. For about 8$ you can buy a 6 inch Visatherme adjustable heater. Please do that. The kind you have will likely lead to over heating. I tested it in a 5g tank with no fish and it was keeping the tank at about 89F!!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
You probably want to try having the filter on in increments, stagnant water can lead to all sorts of nasties. Mine took a few days to get used to the flow of the filter, but now he's fine with it. I just turned the filter on for an hour or two at a time when I was going to be around and then turned it off after it looked like he was getting tired. Then after awhile i left it on all day and he's fine.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Yeah, Leo, that is what I was getting at... thanks for making it a little clearer! :) The instructions on that heater say to unplug it when it reaches 82, but who has time to just sit and watch the thermometer on their fish tank!! I would recommend the heater that Leo suggested Ninamarie. That is the one I will look into also!

I recoment the adjustable heaters by Neptune for betta tanks, it shuts itself off and turns itself back on at the temp you choose, it can also go from 25% all the way up to 120 for some salt fish.
^^ And one thing that will make it easy for your betta to swim is tieing some plastic plants to the base of where that filter drops the water at, it will become a small drop in every derection but it makes 50% less current.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
After all that, you are going to stick a betta in a vase?? Why give one a nice home and the other sub-standard accomodations? Yes, I am one of those people that believe fish should not be kept in bowls and vases.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
If you can have a vase at work then why not go ahead and get a 1.5 gallon tank setup for it?

edit... isn't your other betta at work also? Why not get a 2.5 gallon or something and then put a divider in to seperate and have the two in a nice tank. Or just stick with the one and spoil him!!! That is what I would do! :D


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
OR since you already have Flipper at work, get a 1.5 setup for another betta at home. I would just hate to see it go into a vase...................:(
Especially in the work place. I know where I work, people are constantly getting sick (or scared of germs) and spray Lysol and 409 and all sorts of things into the air.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Ok ok I am going to the LFS this after noon I will see what they have. The vase on my desk is big enuff for a Betta I used this same vase as the Hospital for Maxx when he was ill. there is room for him to swim in it.

There is actually a person here at work that has a giant betta in a tiny betta bowl I so want to have that one out of there.

Anywas The new betta will be ok in this if I fined something at teh pet store I'll get that.