tank temperature


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
Our new 157 liter tank has been up and running now for about 3 weeks. It is full of plant life but no fish yet. We have had the filter and heater running... It seems that the tank temperature has been impossible to control. It has constantly been at 30 degrees or even slightly higher. Even when I have turned off the heater altogether or set the thermostat to a very low temperature, the water is way too hot. Can this be attributed to our lighting system? Should we use a light stand to keep the distance between the lights and the water greater? We have never had this problem during recent colder weather with our 57 liter tank. The temperature seems to stay precisely at 26 degrees as set. Any suggestions?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, I would recommend you move the light a little higher off the tank (with legs/a stand), if possible. What temperature does it go to when the lights are off? If moving the light only helps a little, you may have to install fans or use a desk fan.


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
Moved the light on a rack and now it sits about 14 centemeters above the top of the tank. Even still, the temperature was over 30 degrees. I completely shut off the heater (turned it down to 18 degrees so that it will not start operating) and the temperature is still a tiny dab under 30. Not sure what to do now. It's a brand new heater being used for the first time. Could it be malfunctioning? I have a small heater connected to the main one (using a dual socket) which is running in our 20X20X20cm tank. The temperature of that tank seems to be holding steady at about 25. The big tank seems impossible to control. I certainly do not want to add any fish until I get the problem solved.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The heater could be malfunctioning, you could try testing it in a bucket outside the tank. Also, have you checked the temperature in the morning before the lights go on to see if it's the same temperature when the lights are off?


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
The tank temperature drops overnight (down to about 25) -- if I keep the heater and lights off. If the heater stays on, I believe that the temperature will remain quite high. We have a small apartment and there are no other external things that would cause this heating problme to occur.


Medium Fish
Oct 16, 2005
dumb and dumber!

Well, we solved our heater problem... Do you think I knew that the heater was equipped with a sensor that was supposed to be placed inside the tank in order to control the thermostat??!!! I knew the lighting wasn't causing such a problem because when I touch the glass cover of the tank below the flourescent lights, it wasn't hot at all. Anyway, we have placed the sensor into the tank and the power only goes on when our thermometer shows it is lower than the temperature that the heater is set at -- as it should!

Now I feel like a real dummy! Thanx for your help anyway!