Tank Trade In?

Does anyone know if either Petsmart or Petco will do tank trade in's? I noticed that one of my local Petsmarts had a collection of old used tanks for sell. Do they just take donations, or will they credit you? I have a tank that I've done some work on, but I'm picky and there's some scratches on it that I just can't stand, so I was wondering if I could take the tank in and pay the difference for a new tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Never hurts to call them up and ask...

Of course, you probably won't get a worthwhile deal, unless you absolutely refuse to use your current tank. Can you just turn it around so the scratches are on the back?

There are scratches on both sides. The previous owner of the tank kept a python in it and I think he must have jammed something down into the tank because there's identical scratches on each side of the tank. They're both about the size of a 50 cent piece. I have a Pangea background, so I'll be able to cover up one. You can't really notice the one in the front, but once you turn the aquarium light on it's really noticable. You can also notice a lot of other scratches across the inside of the tank with the light on.