Tank Transfer

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
I've been kind of unhappy with my 125 for a little bit and today I picked up a 220 reef ready so I plan on moving the contents of my 125 into the 220 and was curious on any suggestions of how I should store my fish while I move my sand and my rock. Wasnt sure if I could just acclimate them back in when I get it full of water. Thanks in advance

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Took me longer than I anticipated besides a lot of work and stress went pretty smooth. I put 250 lbs of new sand in and maybe 20lbs of my old sand using a dust pan and just laid it on top then I put around 130 gallons of fresh saltwater in and added liverock then used existing tank water and moved my sump over the new tank came with a megaflow 4 sump but I wanted to use my sump because its larger and made from glass. Then the stressful part was leaving my fish in a rubbermaid for 2 days while I let the tank settle. Now Im waiting a couple more days and adding my fish and LR from my 44 gallon. Once everyone is settled Ill kick on the lights and take some pics

Jan 9, 2009
Owensboro, KY
Finally got around to uploading pics, I just broke down the 44 so it can be moved and added the rock and livestock, I know its a no, no but I have my maroons and percs both in there, been almost a week and no issues I'll keep watching and if something comes of it I'll move a pair back to the 44



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
looks good. The two pair of clowns maybe okay provided they each stake out a territory far enough away from the other. In this size tank it may be possible. Just be prepared to move one pair if necessary. Good luck!