Tank Update


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
As some of you know, I was having problems with the tank, and I figured I would give you an update on how things are going. I changed the RO/DI filters and have done two water changes in two weeks and replaced all of my reserve RO/DI water, and the tank is starting to come around. Some of my polyp frags are starting to open again, the cheap ones One of favorite ones is still closed, but the polyps are still there, so I have faith But my other Favorite ones are half way open and thats a good sign. My two Toad Stools, now thats a different story, they really took a hit thru all of this. One of my Toad Stools was really nice and looked like he took a Viagra pill each day, a really nice specimen . At the worst, he collasped and fell over on his side and shriveled up to about 1/3 or less from his full glory. He is still laying on his side but he is trying to put out his hairy top or what ever they are called. The wife told me she saw him trying to stand up the other day but I havn't seen that yet. The bad thing about all of this: The wife told me three months ago to change out my RO/DI filters but I figured I would try and get a few more months out of them to try and save a few $$$. The bad thing about that is: I already had an extra set of filters that I bought, when I bought the RO/DI unit. I think there is a lesson to be learned here, Change your filters. Anyway, I think the tank is on the way back, I did lose a few polyps and one Devils Hand soft coral, and the jurys still out on the Toad Stools, I also lost most of my cleaning crew and they will have to be replaced. The little crabs are doing just fine, didn't lose any of them, but I did lose almost all of my snails.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Yeah that IS pretty bad if you had the filters laying around! lol but as far as the toadstool a few years ago i had one get stung by an anem and it never did fully bounce back to what it looked like when i bought it! the snails are really sensitive to salinity change so that might have been your problem! either the salinity wasnt the same when doing a water change or if you top off and add too much fresh water all at once it can do this too! good idea to get an ATO to keep salinty stable not only for the inverts but corals aswell... your on the right track with the water changes.... i would keep up the weekly water changes (about 30g or so) until you get the results your looking for.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I do a 25g to 30g water change every 7 to 10 days, even before the problems with the tank. In my defense, which isn't much of a defense :) I had started using a new skimmer, GFO / Carbon Reactor, and had installed a refugium all in about a months time, more or less. I was guessing that one of those things or a mixture of all three, had upset the tank, didn't dawn on me that it might be the RO/DI filters.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The water is coming from the house (city). I havn't had a problem since the tank was set up. Since I have changed the filters the tank is doing much better, even the Toad Stool is starting to come back, trying to stand up a tad compaired to what it was. I am guessing that you maybe right and it might not come back to its full glory, he really took a hit, we will see.