TANKin it all in... :)

Aug 17, 2007
Central Texas
Hey everyone... First thank you for all the information that i already have recieved just from lurking around for the last few days! Im a bad bad momma ill admit it right now so i can get any flaming done and over with *eek* because i lost my entire 55 g FOWLR tank about 5 years ago. I dont remember what i did but it had to do with a major water change... I was soooo depressed by the incident i did one worse (not thinking about all the little lives i had) I let the tank evaporate (i know... im terrible... dont know what i was thinking). So now its been exactly 5 years sitting and about two weeks ago i decided to clean everything and start fresh after researching for the last month or so. I had my previous setup for about 2 years and had a beautiful 4-5in deep sand bed. I am reusing everything and getting the sand and live rock re'seed'ed with bacteria and life from some new live rock and a little more live sand.

I do not have a sump/fuge yet but am planning one in the future. I am running a fluval 304, a renora pro skimmer, and three power heads for flow besides my fluidized bed filter (which im reading is outdated?) These are all things that I had before. I hope to get rid of all the filters slowly as my sandbed etc start taking over... if this is wrong please let me know! :)

BTW... on the live rock i bought today i found a glass anenome hitch hiking on it... i guess its better to find it now than later. Thanks for all and any advice i might get with this or from what i read! Yall seem great and im very happy to join your forum.