
Oct 13, 2005
I just recently got 2 baby African Clawed Frogs. In the bag with them was a small snail. So I put all of them in a tank together. I am about to transfer them into a bigger tank. I was just wondering what would be the best fish to be a tank mate for them? I dont want to over crowd, thats why I just plan n getting 1-2 more fish, but not sure of what would be good with the frogs.
Thanks for all your help!!


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2005
They will eat any thing they can fit in their mouths and try to even eat things that won't fit in their mouths. They grow really fast and are also known to jump out of your tank. I have an Albino and when I got him he was about 2 inches I have had him for about 9 months and he is about 4 inches and really fat. He is awesome but I wouldn't advise putting any small fish in with yours. The smallest thing in our tank is our 2 inch JD and he would be frog food if he wasn't so mean.