I think my GT is a bit lonely and needs some friends. I'm thinking dither fish, although GT (GT is his name, named after the great BT, or Brian Transeau) is always swimming around or staring at me (like he is now while I type this). He's in a 75g, planted with swords, crypts, java fern, and val. His tankmates now are 2 plecos and 1 Rainbow shark (fully grown). I've been thinking that Rainbows might be cool (bosemani), but I'm not sure. No other cichlids, no bottom dwellers, or fish he can eat. GT's a fairly peaceful fish, likes to be the "boss," and will harrass any other fish that is a threat to his home. What do you think? I would really, really appreciate your advice, and I will get fish directly from your contributions, as I cannot make up my mind.