Tankmates for a GT: Suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I think my GT is a bit lonely and needs some friends. I'm thinking dither fish, although GT (GT is his name, named after the great BT, or Brian Transeau) is always swimming around or staring at me (like he is now while I type this). He's in a 75g, planted with swords, crypts, java fern, and val. His tankmates now are 2 plecos and 1 Rainbow shark (fully grown). I've been thinking that Rainbows might be cool (bosemani), but I'm not sure. No other cichlids, no bottom dwellers, or fish he can eat. GT's a fairly peaceful fish, likes to be the "boss," and will harrass any other fish that is a threat to his home. What do you think? I would really, really appreciate your advice, and I will get fish directly from your contributions, as I cannot make up my mind.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
I have a getting large (3" or so) GT. Am surprised to see him gettng along with all his tankmates which are a pike cichlid, pleco, and three headstander abramites. The abramites are a very interesting fish and they are doing very well. Course, he's not full size but there's a suggestion from my experience.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Good suggestions so far...I was thinking about severums or tinfoil barbs. I definitely don't want a crowded tank though, so I'm not sure how well they would work out. Um, how many would be good?

What do you think about an African Tiger Fish?


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
Visit site
How bout a Red Devil? Or a Jack Dempsey? Just a thought. My GT and my Red Devil got along fairly o.k. after a few days., then the GT started picking on the other fish, so now he's all by hiself.
Like I said, just a thought.
Good luck with what ever you choose.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I really don't want to go with more aggressive cichlids. My GT beat up my Jag, so I had to remove him. He probably wouldn't bother convicts (he hasn't in the past), but I don't want convicts. An oscar would be neat, but I don't think the tank is big enough, and I'd have to buy a whole new filter for his messy self.

Why wouldn't the tiger fish work? From what I gather from my LFS that has one, they're pretty skiddish despite their menacing looks. I honestly don't know that much about them, so I'm just trying to gather some info.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well maybe this will help....or change your mind ;)

African tiger fish as in, Hydrocynus vittatus -

Lets just say the world record tiger fish is 35 lb 7 oz. Pretty tank buster i think. They look nice and cute when young but...haha...no no, not when they grow.

On aquariumfish.net, who sells tiger fish, says: "A Tiger Fish can grow to be over 30" long and become a ferocious predator with long pointed teeth."
Here is their link - http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/wild/hydrocynus.htm


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Thanks for the extra info on the ATF (cool pics too)! I didn't know they got that big! I was thinking 14-16" or so. Scratch that.

Cool thing about the AFT is that they are one of the fastest predators I've ever seen! I got to feed one and as soon as the goldfish hit the water, they were gone! It took literally less than 1 second to devour each fish as I dumped them in one at a time!

I don't have an aro, and never have, although I would like one. I don't have the tankspace, nor would I have room if I could buy another tank!

I'm leaning heavily on the severums. From what I've been reading, they seem to be great fish to keep! Any ideas on how many I should keep? I'm thinking 2 or 3. I'm not looking to breed them (but if they do that's fine), so can you keep multiple males together?