I need ideas or suggestions for some tankmates with my betta he is already making bubbles so I might get a female. But I need ideas for some bottom feeders,no plecos. I wonder what you people might have so I could make a good habitat.*celebrate *DRUMMER* *PEACE!*
I wouldn't get a female betta for that tank. They will get harrassed constantly. However, a trio of pygmy cories would fit the bill nicely. With maybe an oto for algae cleanup..
I agree dont get more then 1 betta for the tank. And Pooky has suggested a good choice for corys. Now the only problem will be finding them.
Pygmy corys get up to 1 inch which is small for a cory but a good thing because you can get a good bunch for a small tank. Ive looked at everystore around me and i cant find pygmy corys, even a few people i talked to couldnt find any so maybe youll be lucky and have them for sale around you.
Ottos are good, but keep the water clean. I had a couple with a male betta for over a year. Don't get a female betta unless you plan on removing her after the spawning.
I also kept a betta with a couple of serpae tetras in an Eclipse 6, no problems.