TANKS CRASHING! coldwater and tropicals!


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Im getting an allergic reaction from my aquariums so I used rubber dish gloves and a pair of vet livestock gloves to clean my aquariums yesterday. Now they are both crashing! Ive already lost 2 goldies and my third was stuck in the plants on its side gasping for air. Ive moved him to a bucket of clean water. Ive lost 2 danios from my tropicals and my female bettas are all liftless so I moved everyone (bettas, adfs, and cories) to a bare qt tank unfiltered. My favorite female was headstanding so i put her in her own bowl.

Should I add an airstone to my goldies bucket? I dont want the current to harm him. Will the cories be ok without airation for awhile? What do I do about my tanks? The params are fine so theres obviously something toxic in the water. Do I do a melt down or just a large water change?

Help, I really done want my fish to die, im so attached to all of them.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
wow sorry to hear it. Did you net them and move them to their fresh water? I'd say as long as you took them out of the tank water and regulate their temperature, they should be fine for awhile.

I would probably do as large of a water change as possible. Is there any way to find out if the gloves were coated with something? If you knew what you were dealing with it would be easier to figure out how to fix it.

Why dont you take as much water as possible out of ALL of the tanks...and then in the smallest tank (sorry I dont know your tank sizes) I would take decorations out and rinse them and then put some HEAVILY dechlorinated water back in the tank. I'm not sure how you can tell if its safe or not...other than just putting a fish in and hoping for the best.

The fish you have in buckets etc should be OK for awhile. Last time I moved I had everyone in buckets w/o airstones etc for a few hours until I could get them back into filtration. If you have an airstone hooked up, maybe throw it in each bowl once in awhile.

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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add the airstones to the buckets def. were the gloves new, like fresh outta the package, or just gloves you had in the house? it must be some type of chemical, but the best thing to do is large water changes to get it out of there. if any of the decorations can be boiled you could try that, it would get rid of anything on them for sure. just a thought, but would carbon in the filter help to soak up the chemicals?


Small Fish
Mar 31, 2005
wow, really sorry to hear your problem. I also have formed a skin rash and was considering using gloves. I was checking them out the other day and some are powdered but I don't remember what with. Others are made with some kind of antimicrobial stuff to inhibit certain bacteria, mold etc. Let us know how it goes. Hopefully a large water change will do the trick.

I am going to look out for plastic gloves, you know the ones that are made out of clear plastic like plastic storage bags. You find them in hair coloring kits etc. I'm wondering if they would be OK to use?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would put some carbon in the filters ASAP to see if that will help remove whatever chemical got in there.

An airstone should be OK for a day or two. With the cories, do daily water changes, and maybe see if you can get some water movement in there somehow.

I know there are gloves especially made for aquascaping, it might be a good idea to get some.

A lot of people have reported allergies to bloodworms, so if you're feeding them, perhaps you need to find something else to feed.


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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Ok so all my goldfish died but the remaining tropicals seem to be doing fine. Im going to nuke the tanks tomorrow and start from scratch again. The gloves were new rubber dish gloves that I had rinsed. I think I will stick to using the livestock gloves since they are that clear plasticy material and practically come up to my head. They must be safe if they are shoved up cows rear ends. I do feed bloodworms and the thought crossed my mind that they may be causing my irrataion but the rash is occuring on my fore arm and not on my hands...hmm..

Anyways, Ill keep you guys posted on how it goes. Thanks for all the help.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2005
I'd definitely think the household gloves are the culprit here. Examination gloves are sometimes powdered but as far as I know it's normally a dusting of corn starch.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
the gloves my mom uses has a coating of cleaning stuff. that might be the case with your gloves. that just shows how much you love fishe. even though your allergic you still want to keep them.