Teenie Weenie Fish(?)


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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Hello all!

I have already made a few posts in DIY and perhaps a couple of other sections. Since I'm starting to feel at home, I figured a little introduction was in order.

My fascination with slimy, cold-blooded critters goes back as far as I can remember. When I was about 6 or 7, I used to to catch tadpoles and crawdads, which I would bring home and put in small plastic bowls on the patio... and then wonder why they died so fast in the 100 degree Texas summer heat.

I got my first "real" fish from a school carnival when I was 12. It was a black moor goldfish. I think it persisted about a month before I was actually successful in killing it, too.

By then I had the bug, and soon got a used 10 gallon aquarium from a garage sale, and started reading books by Axelrod and Innes (about the only ones available back then). I learned a great deal from these books, as well as people from excellent LFS's that used to be all over the place (before Petco and Petsmart).

I had several tanks over the years, both freshwater and marine. I more-or-less got out of the hobby about ten years ago, until a co-worker started talking about setting up a small aquarium for his daughter. So, I dusted off the 75 gallon monster, and got wet all over again....


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome! :) I know after I started to get into aquariums my parents were surprised how much has changed and the new advances that had been made in different aspects of the hobby since they had tanks when I was little. Everything from the price/efficiency of filters to "acceptable" practices when it comes to how many fish can go in a tank and medicines to treat them etc. Cycling was foreign concept to them, and certainly FISHLESS cycling was unheard of.

Of course some of the basics wont ever change :) And I dont think it will ever be less addicting...they certainly are cool pets.


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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So far, the 75 has TONS of plants (a little over 2 watts/gallon & DIY CO2), 5 Dangila Danios, 12 Rummy-Nose Tetras, 2 Rubber Lip Pl*cos, 4 Otocinlus (was 6; one died, another was a victim in "The Python Incident"), 4 SAE's, and 2 Upside Down Catfishes & 3 Zebra Danios that were given to me.


When my Dad was a kid in England, his Dad kept fish. I think he (Granddad) had livebearers (Mollies or Platies), and may have had a pond in the back yard (I know somebody had a pond and I got in trouble for splashing in it when I was about 3 or 4). It makes me want to interrogate Dad for information. One thing that floored me was that neons could be had for 4 to 6 for a dollar about 15 years ago!


Love the fishy Welsh Dragon! Mum's family hailed from North Wales, Dad's from Derby (where I was born).