Teenie What?


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Hi Yawl! A little about myself….. Yeee Gads!! Are you serious! Hello folks, I am here…. for the fish. Lest they suffer the short sighted, crude knowledge of this humble tank keeper, yea thou I seek the wisdom and the light! And parish not the scaled swimmers!
My credentials are limited. I have been “assigned” the 55-gallon tall tank in the lobby of my employment, a busy medical facility. Apparently my 10-gallon tank at home has made me the most experienced fish keeper in the whole building! In my tank I have two rainbow Australians and brown algae (hey now, at least it is flea free!). In the past I have enjoyed the company of 3 jewel cichlids, for nearly 10 years. They were my friends, and my pets. I am ready to go back to cichlids, but believe I will try Malawi this time. Too bad I am stuck with a tall tank! Catch ya on the flip side!! -tina


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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Welcome to the Tank. Lol @ being assigned the facility's aquarium ... it is sometimes best to keep certain areas of "expertise" secret. I taught once at a school and took too much interest in 2 sad looking aquariums ... Yep, they became my "job".


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Hi JeLeAK, well it sounds as if I am grateful that you only said “the least”. Yes, my humor may be a bit quirky, it is a requirement in my profession. It’s much easier to swallow in person by the way. Actually, after viewing a few other entries on other subjects, it would appear that the miscommunication is age related. The language on this site appears to be predominantly teen, or pre-me anyway. Sorry, can’t help being a bit out dated and over the hill :) . Just don’t mind my yawl or yee gads and I will resist raising an eyebrow when I see “WORD!” written outside the bible content. I just need to put on my blonde wig and giggle a little more, that should fix everything! I love this site by the way, just don’t take me too seriously, my favorite phrases are “no problem,” and when I say (write) something, I say it with a smile. (oh, and I am a red head, not too far from blonde :)).
Revfred-Lol indeed! Think I learned my lesson? -probably not, although I may grumble a bit, I am happy with the assignment, besides, all I have is myself to grumble to!
Cbock- thank you, glad to be here.