Tell about your bettas


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Me it was my Aunt. She showed me hers when i spent the night, Next day we went out and got me some new fish plus a betta named Hat. He jumped.

Then we set up a 3gal in my room for 2 female bettas Sunny and Girlie Pants. They Died later.

Then a year later I got my Bruce, He was a wuss but I loved him. He was famous too.

Then it was Chevy Blazer, He was a cool pimp. Personaly a clown. He was my best betta.

Then i got Cheezehead, The old Brat. He was a mean SOB.

Now its Brucie, He is a wuss just like bruce. He couldn't pull a threat to save his life.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I love my bettas too! We have 3 but one's my daughters (in theory they're ALL hers).

The two in the 'big kids tank' are called Shrek and Fiona, who have been together since the day we bought them and the little freaks of nature that they are they seem to prefer it that way. Fiona's about 1.5 times Shrek's size and will eat ANYTHING. She body checks Shrek AND the tetras out of the way at supper time and has been stealing food from the cories since day one. We're trying to put her on a diet... some how... with out starving out the rest of the tank.

Shrek is brilliant red and indigo. He should be the boss of the tank, and some times Fiona lets him think he is but as soon as he flares up at her she puts him in his place. He's mellowed out now but every now and then he chases my cories out of their cave just to prove he can.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2007
Savoy, MA/Western PA
I have had my betta for a year and a half. He is the first fish I ever got. He is gray and black and reddish-pink and blue, he's basically a mutt and my boyfriend calls him the ugliest fish ever.:p I don't completely agree. When I got him I just knew I didn't want a "normal" red betta and he was the only other option. Oh well, I probably saved him from a short life on a shelf in Petsmart.

Dec 15, 2007
I have a small female betta, tan with teal stripes and blue fins. I originally bought her with plans to put her in a community tank, and kept her in a 1 gallon until my 20 cycled, but my tetras died, and I put in Platys. She all of a sudden got very hostile, so I decided to put her back into her 1 gallon.

I've had three so far.

First came Juju (boring red, my brother picked him out) who was the first fish and the first in my 20g. He was the king of the tank and cuddled with the glass a lot (?). He lived for a year and then died after becoming blind the same day.

A couple weeks after I got Juju, I added Kissyboots (blue, and sometimes she has a horizontal stripe and dark spots on her fins, the come and go for some reason) as his tank mate. They lived happily (more or less) in my community tank. Anyway, she's still alive and fat. Twice the size of my newest edition...

Finfin (looks like Kissy but has some red too) who I put with Kissy but decided against because he ripped off her fin. Hence the name Finfin. He lives in my 5g with my sword fry. He's not like Kissy who waits for the food to fall on her head. He goes out and finds little pieces of betta bites on the floor.

Now, hopefully, I will not get any more bettas for a while. I need room for my cories who have just gotten a new home (aka a larger glass bowl :) )


Large Fish
Jan 20, 2008
I have a red Delta Tail Betta that lives happily in my 55g tank.

I have had him for a few months now and he is the sheriff of my tank, or so he think he is.

I love his personality and hope he is around for a long time.


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
I have 3 or 4 females in my 10g. All happy as clams and getting along famously. Much happier with company. The reason I said three or four is the smallest one doesn't have the right body shape to be a female. Perhaps it will come as it gets older. We'll see. None of the other bettas bother it which is strange because they are always paying tag with each other.....

I have a brownish/blue/purple one, a brown/green one, a white/purple one and the little one is light green with red fins.

You can see pictures of them all here:
Bettas pictures from friends & fun photos on webshots

If anyone has any ideas about the littlest one, let me know.


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
Thanks! I wasn't too keen on her at the lfs, but I held her up to the light and noticed her fins... I had to have her! One of the most unique female bettas I have seen.

I have doubts about the green/red one... We'll see when it grows up.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Well I have had a few bettas and the ones that I have now are:
At workMr.Flipper dark blue CT have had him for 3 years now he is a trip make loud clicking jaw noises for attention.
At home ina 2.5 tank divided I have Marble and Shadow( My boys bettas ha not ..Mine mine all mine) marble is 2 tone blue and pinkish purple splendid and shadow is a dark blue black splendid. Have had them for a 2 years now.

The both like to be "petted" from the out side of the tank, they will swim up to me and rub on the tank wall as I "pet them" make sence...

i just love them.

Jan 21, 2008
Hi all, I am new here, but have been lurking for a while.
I figured that this would be a good place to introduce myself, and my fish, so... this is My betta.

I've had him for about a month now. He is red, and the spots that reflected from the camera are dark blue. You only see them really well in certain light though. He is really calm, I have him in a 10gal with a few other fish and while he runs the tank, he isn't a jerk about it. We call him Robert.