tell me all about your tanks


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2004
winnipeg, manitoba
well i guess i should start iv got a 70 gallon tank with one 7" RD i like over filtering so im useing a fluval 204 and a fluval 304 and two aqua clear 300's, in the filters are foam, carbon, purigen and bio max, i use two 200watt heaters with heater guards and 70lbs of cumber land river gems with 3 large pieces of bog wood and a large rock and a 20watt light too give me the dark look in the tank and a black back ground( i like the natural look) i use a digital thermomitor

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
55gal Planted
1 Aquaclear 500 - 2 Foams
1 Whisper 4 (i think)
2 heaters, not sure of the wattage (think its a 50watt and a 100-150 watt)
75% Seachem Flourite mixed with 25% various gravels
2 Discus (more coming real soon)
3 Cories
1 oto
Bunches of plants - Anubias and swords and whatnot
1 piece of cypress wood
4 50Watt hanging Pendant lights

29gal African
1 General Filter from Wal-Mart :p
Normal white gravel
Fake Plants
1 Orange Zebra (Mbuna)

I am in the process of redoing this tank, i'm thinking of keeping it African Cichlids but not sure what kind.

Soon to be Shell-Dweller tank
Just the tank and hood as of now.

Pics at my site :D :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i have 3 tanks that i consider my actual "tanks"there are a few betta tanks and whatnot that really doesn't fall under my display collection.
my first tank is a 6 foot long,84 gallon tank.
south american catfish community.plecos,ottos,brochis and corys dominate this tank.there is a lone blue ram to mix things up a bit.a few aging neons and a small cloud of guppys.
planting is light(straped for cash at the moment)just a few spiral vals,hornwort,java ferns and some's filtered by 1 via aqua 750 canister(getting another one soon) 1 hot magnum 250 pro canister and an emperor 400,which i can't wait to be rid of.heat is provided by 2 300 watt temp marineland heaters.rootwood and lace rock make up the tank decorations along with my few scrawny plants.
second tank 30 gallon african rift lake tank.thinking lake tang.?
right now this tank is occupied by a small severum,5 upside down cats and two spotted raphaels.i hope to do some drastic changes soon,swap the sev and the raphaels into my 84 and add some neolamprogus bricharids.filtration is 2 aquaclear 150's and a penguin 170 w/biowheel.decorations are lace rock,enough to completly cover the bottom third of the tank from wall to wall.
third tank 10 gallons.
this tank has 4 small yoyo loaches,2 female cherry barbs,and whatever ghost shrimp are left?
this tank uses rootwood for decorations as well and filtration is 1 aquaclear 150.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
55 Gallon barebottom
2 Aquaclear 500s
1 250 watt ebo jager
2 Morning glory discus
1 Blue Cobalt
1 Red turq

29 gallon barebottom breeder
2 Hydro Sponges IV
1 150 watt heater
Pair of Blue Panda discus(spawning)

10 gallon quarantine barebottom
1 Hydro Sponge IV
50 Watt heater
1 Large Red turq female

10 gallon
Hydro Sponge IV
Half Flourite/Regular gravel
Rotala indica(LOTS) and a bunch of Java moss
Large Goldfish

10 Gallon barebottom
Penguin 125
50 watt ebojager
20 Red fire guppies
6 Kribs

*Large water changes on this tank

20 Gallon planted
Whisper junior
Aquaclear mini
100 watt heater
Loads of plants... Anubias, crypts, Java ferns, java moss, hygro
Flourite/Natural Gravel mix
15 watt bulb
1 Angelfish
6 Black tetras
1 Male Golden Gourami
1 Golden Wonder killi

20 Gallon planted
Aquaclear mini
Aquaclear 150
Ebo jager 100
Black Gravel/Flourite
55 Watt pc
Crypts, Java fern, Hygro, Sag, Rotala indica, Vals.
Loads of feeder guppies lol
1 Golden Gourami
6 Zebra Danios
1 CAE (getting rid of soon)

10 Gallon planted
Aquaclear Mini
Ebo jager 50 watt
15 watt bulb
Regular gravel
Lots of different types of plants: Hygro, java moss, fern, Rotala, Water sprite, Myrio phligee (sp?)
Loads of Red fire guppies
Couple neon tetras

5.5 Barebottom
Jungle Spongefilter
50 Watt Ebo Jager
7 Breeding Corydoras Aneunus

2.5 Holding cell for plants


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
not at the moment. i hope to have some soon.i took a few pics a while back,but it was hard to get the back together(it's tough fitting a 6 foot long tank in one pic)perhaps i will take advantage of the free pic hosting cloth was offering.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lol.... Now see for that comment you might not end up getting that gift basket! :p :D

Mike: Does that Severum ever end up bothering those Catfish? Whenver I tried to stick catfish with my severum, it would always end up killing it. :-/


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
he's still young,about the size of a silver dollar.if one of the usd cats get in his sight at food time he'll chase them but the seem unbothered,other than that no he minds his own buissness.the usd's have lots of places that they can escape to that the sev can't get sev's are generaly peaceful,but every now and then you get one that is a holy terror.i fear mine will be one of those too.i don't think he even knows there are raphaels in the tank.


Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Visit site
55 Gallon planted
Filters: 304 Fluval, 404 Fluval, 2213 Eheim powering a corallife 8watt U.V sterilizer
Lighting: 80 watts one 50/50 corallife 40 watt, one 40 watt aquaray
Fertilization: Seachem Flourish once a week, Seachem irom supplement 5ml every other day.
Co2: one do it your self 1 quart
Substrate: small gravel
Decoration: 75 lbs limestone
2 Labeothropheus Fuelleborni 1=5" 2=2.5"
Snow Leopard Pleco 4"
2 Pseudotropheus Acie 3"
Pseudotropheus Auroa 3"
2 Aulonocara3 "
Haplochromis Moorii 4"
2 Synodontis Multipunctatus 4"
3 Yellow Labeotropeus 1.5"
2 Botia Macrantha 2"


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just scaled took down most my tanks in the past few weeks, but i still got...

55 Gallon
Eheim 2026 Professionel II
Ebo Jager 250 watt

Red Fin Borleyi
Red Empress
Taiwan Reef
Turquoise Hap
Midnight Peacock
Flavescent Peacock
Eureka Red Jacobfriebergi
Yellow Lab
Obliquedins (sp.44) (thick skinned) (red tailed)
Zebra Obliquedins
2 Bristlenosed Plecos
8 Synodontis Petricola
Tiger loach

55 Gallon
Magnum 350
Aquaclear 300
Hydor Theo 200 watt heater

Red Devil

37 Gallon
Hot Magnum 250
Aquaclear 150
Hydor Theo 200 watt heater
Hydor Pico 400 Powerhead

Group of Pseudotropheus Saulosi breeders

20 Gallon Long - Brackish
Aquaclear 150
Penguin Biowheel mini
Hydor Pico 300 Powerhead

Green spotted puffer
Red chromide

10 Gal
Aquaclear 150
Hydor Theo 50 watt heater

2 Pearl Gouramis
Endler Males
4 Cories

10 Gal
Aquaclear 150
Hydor Theo 50 watt heater

Golden Wonder Killie
White Cloud Minnows
Dahli Ring Loach

(2) 10 Gal - Endler breeder tanks
Penguin biowheel mini
Hydor Theo 50 watt heaters

Lots of endlers

5 1/2 Gallon
Hydor Theo 50 watt heater
Azoo palm mignon filter

Dwarf life bearers
Clown Killies


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
Visit site
This is turning into quite some thread....very proud to follow Soulfish since he kicked me off on the Tanganyikan thing!

1. 90 gal Juwel Trigon
Juwel Jumbo sponge filter with 180W heater plus Eheim 2126 thermo-canister

1m 2f 5j cyprichromis leptosoma "kekese"
2m calvus
1 pair leleupi longior
1 pair juli. transcriptus
1m tretocephalus
2m 2f ocellatus
4 syno petricola

2. 35 gallon Hagen TropiQuarium
2 x Eheim Aquaball internal filters, 200W Tronic heater

1 pair neol. brichardi + fry
1m ocellatus
about a dozen each 1" juvenile leleupi and julies
3 syno petricola

3. 20 gallon
Eheim Aquaball filter plus Interpet TP2 heater/pump

1 pair multies plus approx 18 young
7 cyprichromis fry (growing on and dithering)
2 syno petricola


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a 110 gallon tank, with wild malawi cichlids. filtration - eheim 2226, fluval 4, ac 300. Decorated with rocks and brown gravel.
90,65,40 gal show tanks with similar fish and filtration.
a bunch of 40's with barebottoms/spongefilters/acmini's
at least 20 10's, 15's and 20's serving various purposes with the same setup
a 33 gallon high light co2 plant tank with a Filstar Xp1 driving it.

Sep 23, 2003
Visit site
tank 1: 125 gallon
Decorated in drift wood, zebra rock and lava rock with tons pf fake natural color plants. Black gravel and background. It is run by an eheim 2028, and 3 penguin 330's plus a 25 watt uv, and two titanium heaters. Houses a 12 inch oranda, and other fancy goldfish includung ryukins, fantails, walkin, lionheads, pearlscales, and others.

tank 2: 55 gallon
Decoated in drift wood, lava rock and plants, also has black background and rock. run by two penguin 330's and a 25 watt uv, and titanium heater. It houses ryukin, oranda, and fantails.

tank 3: 55 gallon
natural rock, blue back ground, drift wood, lava rock petrified wood, and pagoda stone. run by two penguin 330's and titanium heater. Houses a moore, demekins, dragon eye, and telescopes.

tank 4: 33 gallon long
natural rock, and large peices of lace rock. houses two comets and is run by a penguin 330. this is their winter home.

tank 5: 29 gallon
black rock and back ground, drift wood, large pieces of rock. penguin 330, titanium heater, houses a oranda lionhead, and panda telescope.

tank 6: 20 gallon
natural rock and driftwood, run by a penguin 125 and filter of same size also, titanium heater holds celestial and a demekin.

tank 7: 20 gallon goldfish fry tank

tank 8: 10 gallon
tank 9: 10 gallon
tank 10: 10 gallon
tank 11: 10 gallon
All will hold fry soon

tank 12: 5 gallon
ugf and heater with a single betta drift wood and petrified wood.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
55 gallon
Whisper 40-60 Power Filter
Newly revamped Penguin 330( bought some new parts and viola still works like a champ.:D)
Sand/Aquatic soil substrate( soon to be all Aq. Soil)
No Heaters(live in a nice warm place anyway:))
DIY plywood/2x4 stand
5 nice size chunks of driftwood

6 clown loaches
3 yoyo loaches
(moving the yoyos soon, puttin in some other fish for color in 55. maybe some rainbows or a neon tetra school. buying my plants this week too.:))

40 gallon
Regent 40-60 Power Filter
Sand substrate, Rocks, Plastic Plants
Diy Plywood/2x4 stand

3 albino cory
2 Tail spot cory
4 angelfish
2 dwarf gourami
plus a MASSIVE snail invasion(im breaking this tank down after i finnish my 55 to clear out the snails, then possibly try to breed some chiclids, idk.:D)

10 Gallon Puffer tank
Whisper 5-15 power filter
sand,rocks and plastic plants(possibly the next planted project)
stock hood
on DIY stand under 55

1 2" GS puffer