tank 1: 125 gallon
Decorated in drift wood, zebra rock and lava rock with tons pf fake natural color plants. Black gravel and background. It is run by an eheim 2028, and 3 penguin 330's plus a 25 watt uv, and two titanium heaters. Houses a 12 inch oranda, and other fancy goldfish includung ryukins, fantails, walkin, lionheads, pearlscales, and others.
tank 2: 55 gallon
Decoated in drift wood, lava rock and plants, also has black background and rock. run by two penguin 330's and a 25 watt uv, and titanium heater. It houses ryukin, oranda, and fantails.
tank 3: 55 gallon
natural rock, blue back ground, drift wood, lava rock petrified wood, and pagoda stone. run by two penguin 330's and titanium heater. Houses a moore, demekins, dragon eye, and telescopes.
tank 4: 33 gallon long
natural rock, and large peices of lace rock. houses two comets and is run by a penguin 330. this is their winter home.
tank 5: 29 gallon
black rock and back ground, drift wood, large pieces of rock. penguin 330, titanium heater, houses a oranda lionhead, and panda telescope.
tank 6: 20 gallon
natural rock and driftwood, run by a penguin 125 and filter of same size also, titanium heater holds celestial and a demekin.
tank 7: 20 gallon goldfish fry tank
tank 8: 10 gallon
tank 9: 10 gallon
tank 10: 10 gallon
tank 11: 10 gallon
All will hold fry soon
tank 12: 5 gallon
ugf and heater with a single betta drift wood and petrified wood.