Temp help please!

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
uhh, ok first off I got new lights a few days ago(power glo, marine glo) and my temp has been going up very slowly. so I turned m heater down a lot and I have been keeping an eye on my temp. and when I got home it was almost 84! I think one snail is almost givning up, most other crabs sem to be ok. uhh, I just did about a 1 1/2 gallon water change with some ice(dont know about that) uhh can the lightsa mess with the temp??? thanks all

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
sean- the lights will definitely heat up the water. are the new lights more powerful than the old ones? if so that is definitely your reason. what is the ambient temperature in the room? a good quick fix is to direct a fan over the surface of the water...you can also float ziplock bags full of ice

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
1- Ok, cool, that is what I started doing(ziplock bags) umm I got it to drop down to 82-83(it droped a little) hopefully overnight it will come down a little bit more. It was pretty hot here today but my room stays cool, uhh I would say the temp in my room would of been about 85(guess)

2- yes, the new lights are same Watt's m(15 W) but have higher K's(for example a 18000K one, and a blue, and my old stock one) so...

so I will wait and see.. I have to reset my heater to ajust for the lights huh. ok Camaro thanks for the help. I will post tomorow and let you know if the temp went down..


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i don't think it is the lights...standard flourescents don't put out enough heat. if you do think its the lights how about turning them off for a day. it won't cause a problem.

i think your ambient temp. is probably causing the problem. water has a high heat capacity which means that it will heat up to the temp. of the room around it during the day and then retain that heat when the room around it cools...do you have A/C you could run?

you shouldnt need to adjust your heater, just leave it set to whatever you had it at...it won't turn on and heat any hotter than that level so if the water is 80 and the heater is at 78 it wont run.


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
heaters have thermostat in them right? my tank is gettin pretty hot to, but i didn't want to mess with my heater cuz its kinda set right where i want it for colder room temps(winter, fall), this is my first summer with a tank and those halides. So in my thinking the heater wont even kick on until the water cools down enough to trigger the heater to turn on, so i dont need to mess with turning down the heater right? (hope im not hijacking thread)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
I have a confession to make--my tank has been running at about 84 degrees since May...tomorrow it is supposed to be ~117 degrees (the hottest day of the year so far) so I'm going to lower the AC and pray the temp stays low
I know I'm risking it (accelerated metabolism and all), but at the moment I can't see a chiller in my future for awhile

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
well, I got my temp down, the thing was I left my window open and my tank is by the window so my room got realy hot and I guess the water got warmer. But the tank temp is cool now so thank you all. and know I know what to do for the future.

wayne- my room was like at leaste 85 yesterday....