Temp issues....maybe?!?!?!

Ok, I was reading that fluctuations in the temp of even 2 degrees in 24 hours can kill fish.

I currently have my 50 watt Tronic Electronic Aquarium Heater set at around 79 degrees. I haven't seen it drop below that in the evenings (though I may open my door this evening and let in cooler air from outside ~ low temp is predicted to be 70*) but during the days I have seen the water temp climb to at least 81* and it's driving me crazy.

I haven't gotten proof that it even works yet, that is why I'm hoping the temp drops nicely below 78 so that I can see if it does.

It is set up near the ground and about 4 to 5 feet from my door, which is closed during the day cause it's still in the 100* range. My apartment stays around 72 to 76 degrees.

Could the incandescent light be causing the water temp to climb 2 degrees. I know that sucker is HOT!!!!

I'm not to worried about my Betta but once I'm done cycling I do want to add a fish or two.

Thanks for the help. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I noticed that the temp marking on my heater were not acurate. I had to turn mine down to 72 deg and my tank stays around 78. Although I think that my Tiger barbs have learned how to turn it up cause over a month of so it will sneak up to about 84 due to my heater. I have to check it everyonce in a while.
Since you tank hasnt got below 78 you may want to test your heater by putting it in the sink and turning it up. Get a therometer and see how close it is to being corrcet. The inly time I know that mine is working is at night when I can see the light turn on in the heater showing that it is on.



Large Fish
Jul 26, 2006
long island , new york
well i bought a 250w visa therm stealth. and it doesnt have a light. so the only way to tell is turn it up and feel it.

dam that sucker gets hot. burned my hand when i took it out.

i have had temp fluctuation of 7 degrees in a day and the fish did fine.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
We have very similar weather, and our tanks definitely go up a lot more in the daytime in summer (and even now). Most fish will take gradual temperature rises and decreases. Problems can come if you try to suddenly warm or cool a tank within minutes.

Incandescent lights (and most strong lighting for plants) will increase the tank temperatures by several degrees.

With bettas, you need to make sure the temps don't get too low. Anything below 76, especially if it gets into the low 80s during the day, could cause problems.