ten gallon


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Huntsville, TX.
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Can someone suggest a good pair of Africans or SA's to put in a ten gallon? I would like to be able to keep them in there permanently, so no fish that are "ok" but will grow out of the tank.

Rams are out because of the difficulty in finding them and keeping them alive.

what about neolamprogus (sp?)

Luv I think you could help me out here... I like your tanks

Thanks all!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
You can get shells themselves at a craft store... Personally i have heard that just plain silica sand works well. Argranite is actually used for saltwater.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You could probably use moon snail shells found along the beach or purchased at any ol' tourist shop. They are very big and wide. Make sure you scrub them really well, boil or bleach. These shells are heavy as well, so they might not be good.

Some folk use the shells of large, dead apple snails. These shells may be a bit lighter since shell dwellers like to move their house around.

The size of the shell really depends upon the size of the fish. But the one lecture I went to about shell dwellers says only one full grown pair (male and female) are appropriate for a 10 gallon. You can keep sucessive generations together, they will form a little family colony, but you may want to remove some young to prevent over-crowding.

Neolamp Brevis pair
Neolamp multifasciatus pair these are shellies
Neolamp Oscellatus pair

Kribensis (pelvicachromis pulcher)
Most apistogrammas (www.apistogramma.com)

Bolivian Ram pair (Microgeophagus altispinosa)

Just some ideas. I personally would go with the multis or Oscellatus. Easier to raise pH and KH than lower it for rams, even though the Bolivs are far hardier and tolerant than the German Rams.

Oct 22, 2002
Severums...get ot be about 12 inches..we are talking a ten here.

Yup.shellies would be best.

The shell should be small enough so that the male is able to use his body to blockade the entrance to protect the female and the eggs and fry.


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Huntsville, TX.
Visit site
Thanks everyone for the advice.... I am researching the shell-dwellers....

One thing though... I went to the website suggested by SoulFish and the first thing I noticed was that the fish are directly imported from africa... That in itself is not a problem, but if that meens they are harvested from the lakes there, then that may be a problem. The reason I say that is because I've heard it's better to buy fish that are captive bred to prevent them from being puled out of the wild.

Does anyone have any opinions on this subject?

Also, SoulFish I appreciate your recomendation, and am in no way attacking you, so please take no offense!