Test kits


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
When I first bought an aquarium I bought some of test strips at Wal-Mart (all they sell are the Jungle brand 5-in-1 strips and ammonia strips). My levels pretty much stayed the same from day one (which I found impossible to be accurate). The ammonia level stayed at zero and the pH level was maxed out. For three weeks I pretty much had these parameters:

Ammonia-0 then .25 after two weeks
NO3- 0
NO2- 0
pH- 8.4

When I asked the kind, knowlegable people that frequent this fine website it was suggested that I buy an API freshwater masterkit; I ordered one and the nice UPS guy dropped it off at the office today.

I went home and became a firm believer that test strips suck and that liquid drops are the way to go.

This is what my new test kit shows:

Ammonia- 1.0 :eek: (I did a 50% change; I have been doing changes of 15-50% every other day 'cause I did NOT realize the strips were so misleading)
NO3- 5.0
NO2- 0
pH- 7.6

After the 50% H20 change my level was brought down to .5; I will do another change tomorrow night.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Yeah, strips aren't very accurate in the least. Heck, they aren't meant to be that accurate, but are great for lazy ppl. :rolleyes:

Even the drop kits aren't very accurate, but you can get ballpark figures that will at least give you something to work with. Don't ever place your full faith into a test kit, but drop-kits are the lesser of the two evils.


Superstar Fish
Feb 18, 2004
East-Central Illinois
Visit site
Nerdy GIS person...gotta have my data!;)

I've started a spreadsheet tracking method.
Each week I perform all the tests and enter the data.
From the values entered, a graph is constructed showing change over time.
I posted the first 3 weeks of results to my Performed a Tank "Reset", post #29 thread.
This really isn't that time consuming since all I have to do is type in the values.
But it has been giving me very useful guidance.