Tested my water - here are my test results!! Are they good for now??

Jul 3, 2004
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Ok here is what is going on. My tank has been set up for 9 weeks (50 gal)--at 79-81 temp-- it has 22 lbs live rock (it was in a tank for 7 months before I got it so it is cured) I added a blue damsel and a green chromis and the chromis died (it was weak when I got it home from the lps) I took it back and they traded it out for a Royal Gramma (he's very kool to watch--he is doing great--as well as the damsel) and I have two hermit crabs (not sure what kind--there little ones tough) and there are abunch of things that came with the live rock (Small things on it). Most of it went in on the rock and it never comes out all the way but I know that is not dead (got any Ideal why let me know please) I have two powerheads and one wet/dry used for water movements only. I have not ordered a skimmer yet please someone tell me what kind a good one is please!!!!!!!!!!

The Test Results:

pH 8.1

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 1.5 was 0 for a long while and then to 2.0 and now back down for the last two days to 1.5

Nitrate 20.0 It went from a range of 4.0-7.0 and now up to 20.0 whats up with that???

**Water is clear as clear water can be HeHeHe!!!

**No real bad algae not realy any at all ( Is this Good/Bad???):confused:

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I'd be happier with the nitrite at zero but it should get there quite soon. I'd be happier with no fish in there. I'm not suprised the chromis kicked it.
Why are you surprised nitrate is increasing? It's the end product of the nitrogen cycle, but the rate of nitrate reduction is much lower than the rate of nitrate production, especially in younger systems. In older systems it balances out a bit, but I would never expect that in a small heavily stocked system it will never go to zero. That's what water changes are for.
You might not have any algae yet but with a nitrate of 20 and rising it will soon turn up. You cannot avoid algae, you have to make sure it's good not bad algae


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Wait a few more weeks and your tank will be cycled. As Wayne pointed out Nitrate is the end product of the nitrogen cycle, and until your system matures you will have high nitrates. Algae will also be on its way. Good or bad? only time will tell.

For a 50 Gallon tank I would look into a back pack skimmer by CPR. You also mentioned you have a sump so a insump skimmer would work too. Research yourself, then come to us to see if its a good choice.