Testing kit


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I finally gave in and bought a testing kit and ran tests last night on my 5 gal. I bought a fish lat sunday, and have a 7 day guarentee and when i got home from work yesterday it was dead. I brought it back and the girl wouldn't change it cause she wanted to test my water, but i used tap water to transport the dead fish. Anyway she told me to call her after i did the tests and she will see if she can change my fish. Everything was good i guess cause she said i can get another fish yay for me. The only thing is my gh was way to high cause i had just taken out a calcium block i had in there for a few days. here are my reults and tell me if its ok for guppies please. Not sure about the PH level though Everything else I think is good, but let me know if there is something too high. ty

PH- 7.6 Nitrate- 0.1 Amonia- 0.6 KH-90 GH- 900 after water change 600 way too high I think. Anyway


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Keep practicing. Test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Don't bother with ph, gh, or kh right now. You do have the test kit with the drops and test tubes, right?

Be careful with decimal points when reading the test results and posting up the numbers. The difference between a .1 and a 1 can mean a lot. :)

EDIT: WHY did you have a calcium block in there? And what fish did you add? Is it listed in your signature?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
guppies thats all i have and will add in my tank. Everything I have in my tank is listed in my signature. I put the calcium block cause my bf put it in his tank of mollies and bought me one. We both thought it would be good for them guess but found out it is not after the fact. Well the tablet has been out now for 2 days so hopefully things will go back to normal. The test kit is the one with the drops. So just wondering what I really have to look for? I started a chart of my own and will record my results everytime so i can post them if something is wrong. SO I need to concentrate on the Nitrate and Amonia the most so I should do those tests every week? How about the PH, KH and GH when should i check those again?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How long have you had the tank set up? You actually want to have ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte kits...so it sounds like you should invest in a nitrite test kit also.

ph, gh, kh are more 'advanced' and until your tank is finished cycling and is more steady overall they really don't mean much.