Testing the Tank


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
Hi, I have been reading and reading and reading that I need to test my tank water, let me back up....I had the tank running for about 6 months and had no problems. We had to move cross country and decided that I didn't want to fry any fish in the hot car (my AC sucks) so I adopted them out. Anyway, the tank is now set up in my new place and the water has been in it for a week but it hasn't gotten very clear, you know how crystal clear it can get, it just seems cloudy. So I tested the water and the Hardness, total Alkalinity and the PH are way off, all very high. I haven't read too much about these so are they awful? I plan on getting some plattys since that's what we had before and the kids get a kick out of them...however, we are setting up a larger tank and I don't want to have problems because our water here is way different than before. Any advice?


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2006
Surrey, England
have you put plants in yet. i found that my water was really cloudy after 10 days so i decided to buy 3 plants for it and within a day it was fine. as the ph etc i dont know much about that sorry.


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
I've always had plastic plants - really didn't want to mess with live stuff since I know nothing about them. Do plants really fix hardiness problems?


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I wouldn't worry about the pH, most fish will adjust to whatever you have. The bigger concern is pH swings which can happen if you try to mess with it. Fish waste and food decay will up the phos which I *think* brings down the pH a little...you can prolly google that.

Are you adding anything to the water to cycle it?


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
I haven't added anything besides a declorinator to the water. I have some bacteria supplement that I'm thinking about trying, but I have never used it before, didn't need to. What about the hardness? It was at the top of the chart.

I also read up on planted tanks, sorry, but no thanks, my husband would kill me if I got all that going! *twirlysmi


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
What numbers are we talking here? Give us some readings. :)

From what you're telling us, something tells me Cichlid-man is going to love them.... ;)

Around about where are you located? Is the water treated much? Test the 10, which has sat now for a little while as well as you rdirect tap water, please.


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
I did a partial water change (figure that wouldn't hurt), but now there are other problems...here are the readings for the 10 - Nitrate 40, Nitrite 0, Total Hardness 300, Total Alkalinity 300, PH 8.4, Ammonia .25 - .50, Chlorine 0. The ammonia and Nitrate are up now...does that make sense. I tell you, it was much easier before I tested the water. So, now after my water change, the water is in worse shape! I did a bit of declorinator too, fyi.

Unfortunately, I just moved here from out of state and know nothing much about the water, except that there are micro organisms in it - nice huh...nothing like So Cal water right! So I tested the water from the tap and the readings are: Ammonia .5, Chlorine 1.0, Free Chlorine .5, Chloramine .5, Nitrate 20, Nitrite 0, Total Hardness 300, Total alkalinity 300, and PH is 8.4.

My water was pretty hard in Utah and the fish didn't seem to mind it, but I don't know what the PH was since I didn't test for it. Do those two go hand in hand?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, pH and hardness go hand in hand.

There's nothing really wrong with the high pH and high hardness, but some fish don't like it so well. Platies will do fine in that water, as will most livebearers.

The nitrates in the tapwater might be a little cause for concern, as it will be harder to keep more delicate species. Many of the African cichlids love hard water.

Depending on which kinds of fish you want to keep, you might want to consider getting an RO (reverse osmosis) unit, and mixing RO water with tapwater.

There's a nice article here on hardness and pH: Aquarium Chemistry, pH, gH, and kH relationship

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
Lotus: last time i check, ph and hardness did not go hand in hand, its just that MOST of the time a high ph means hard water and a low ph will usually be of water with a low hardness, but living in seattle i have a high ph (8.1) and a low dgh (1-2 degrees) but like i said this is very unusal




Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
Ok, I went back to the LFS - and asked them about their water. I am using the same test kit that they use and our results are identical. They told me that Hardness and PH level are fine. They also told me that if I make my tank chemically dependent then it will be a big pain, especially if I screw up (more like when) and the levels rise or drop drastically and then my fish friends die. So...going to leave the tank to sit a day or so more and then retest to make sure the other levels have come down since that last water change. The water is looking clearer so it probably was just that bacteria bloom and nothing more. Yea*laughingc


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, CA-Peg, adding chemicals to change pH can be a big problem. It sounds like your LFS is giving some good advice. The cloudy water will probably settle in a day or two. :)

Igor, if you have some questions about your water chemistry, perhaps you should start a new thread. :) I'm not really sure if you're referring to your KH or GH, but perhaps the link I posted above will help you out.


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
Lotus, thanks for the Aquarium Chemistry article. Very helpful and enlightening - Chemistry definitely wasn't my subject in school so this whole testing thing freaks me out a bit. I think I freaked but only because I didn't want to introduce fish and have them die and then my kids would be all sad for weeks. I hope to have some fish by this weekend...maybe I'll get the 29g going...can't decide on goodies for the inside - pretty pathetic huh!