tetra tank

May 27, 2003
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I need some input whether this would be a good or bad idea. I really like tetras, all sorts of them. I have an empty 55g sitting around. I'm thinking of setting it up to house lots of different kinds of tetras. I love how they school together and some of them have great colors. My concern is, since they are all tetras of sorts, would they compete to occupy a certain level of the tank? Which would lead to fighting? I want this tank to feature tetras, but of course I'll have the usual ground dwellers as well.

Good or bad idea?

tetra girl

Large Fish
Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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short answer - no. tetras are generally very peaceful and will even school in groups made up of other tetras. the only reason they will compete or fight is if you dont have enough of them in a school so they feel threatened. one of these will be the serpae tetra which NEEDS to be in a school of about 5 or they will fin nip. i have some tearas together in what i think is a 60g tank - 250litres. read below for what i have togther in both my tetra tanks. i absolutly love tetras and havent found one i dont like yet! what tetras are you thinking of getting?