Tetras killing Tetras

Apr 22, 2003
I'm not saying it wasn't the bloodfins (some tetras like to be nippy and i ave no experience with bloodfins), but here's another side to it. Fish often look beaten up a few hours after they die, often because fish will pick on dead fish. So torn fins and stuff can mean they got picked on after death. Look at your other neons, if they have torn fins too.

Otherwise, you can consider some other questions, like water parameters. Ammonia, ph, nitrites, that sort of thing. Also, how long have you had the neons/blood fins? if the neons are new, it can be common for fish to die when you just bring them home (stress of being in the store, transportation, shipping, all that jazz, plus sometimes they can be sick and you might not notice in the store). What other fish are in the tank, and how big is it?

It's my 6 gallon, I just had 4 neons and the two bloodfins. The neons have been in there for a while, the bloodfins are brand new. ONly two died, the other two neons are fine so far. I checked my water conditions every few days, I'm kinda anal, and they are all fine. I did notice when I got the Bloodfins that they ate all the food and the neons cowarded in the corner, so many they starved.

Apr 22, 2003
I don't know about starvation, it can take a few weeks to really starve a fish. Fish don't eat every day in the wild, don't forget. So don't be too tempted to overfeed to compensate for the neons.

Two bloodfins won't make a happy group, they are schooling fish and prefer to have 5 of each other at least usually. Maybe 3-5 in a small tank, but the more the happier they are. So that might give credit to the picking theory, lonely fish might be picking on others. Try observing the tank from a distance and see if you can see any picking behavior from far away. When you're close to the tank the fish are prolly too focused on hopes of being fed to interact as usual.

But 2 neons (or even 4 as you had) is a small group, same goes for the bloodfins. Really with a 6 gal you could probably manage to keep 5 of each if you do some good water changes, but that's rather tight. In another post you mentioned you had a 20 gal, see if maybe you can move some fish around to form some small schools?