I just got back from my LFS with new fish. I picked up a siamese algae eater (not sure if it is the real thing or not), a ghost cat fish and four of what they called "blood-red fin tetra". Ive been trying to look up research on that specific type of tetra only to find nothing! Does anyone know anything about this type of fish? Three of them are an inch long and the fourth slightly smaller so I dont think they are going to be eaten, unless they are pecked to death, do you think this could happen? So far my other fish have left them alone, I'm just worried about what might happen when the lights go out.
I had researched the ghost cat fish before buying him, and it mostly said they liked groups, only I got the last one ... so no group yet, think my guy will be okay on his own?
One last thing, Ive been in desperate search of terquoise rainbow fish, the guy at the LFS said that he had three in a tank, only they looked really pale and silvery, he said that they will only turn terquoise when they get bigger and older. Is this true or is he just trying to rid him self of the silver fish?
Thanks =)
I had researched the ghost cat fish before buying him, and it mostly said they liked groups, only I got the last one ... so no group yet, think my guy will be okay on his own?
One last thing, Ive been in desperate search of terquoise rainbow fish, the guy at the LFS said that he had three in a tank, only they looked really pale and silvery, he said that they will only turn terquoise when they get bigger and older. Is this true or is he just trying to rid him self of the silver fish?
Thanks =)