tetratec PF500


Medium Fish
Jun 1, 2006
Stroudsburg, PA
Rather than upgrading my auqamaster i found a tetratec500 for 30 bucks today at my lfs. If anyone has anythoughts about them let me know. I have not heard to much about them. I know some people dont like them but i can not pass up a deal. when you save more than you spend it cant be bad.

Pluss i now have a whisper 30-60 and a whisper 20-40 just waiting for me to buy a tank for them to hang off of...


Medium Fish
Jun 1, 2006
Stroudsburg, PA
i am proud to say i was the owner of a tetratec for less than 24 hours! took it back and decided to go with the filters i have now. aint broke dont fix it. I decided to get myself some LED moon lights. Setting them up now and they look damn fine. I am actualy getting the rippling on the bottom like the SW people have. Once i get my digi working ill post pics.


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sterling Heights, MI
I have four TetraTec filters.

I am running them on two discus tanks and two community tanks. I absolutely love them. I have had the AquaClear, Whisper, Penguin and everything else that has come down the line in the last twenty years.
After "fine-tuning" the TetraTecs they work well. I like the TetraTecs because when I change out my filter media I leave a set behind. All I do is rotate the old and put it up front; like they tell you to do.
I am really happy with them and I would not trade them for any filter I have had in the past twenty years.