Texas Cichlids?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I was want to breed texas cichlids and want to know as much as possible.Heres what i know: These cichlids are very easy to spawn. Females are ready to breed by 2-3 inches. The female will clean off a piece of slate or flat surface and lay up too 500-1000 eggs with the male following up and fertilizing them. Both parents prior to hatching dig a small pit for transfer. The female will now tend to the eggs while the male guards the perimeter. The pair's aggression is now at it's peak. A few "targets" like silver dollars or anything too fast must be used now to take some of the aggression from the male off of the female. Either that or a divider is most likely the case here unless you want to see its natural behaviour. The eggs hatch after 3-5 day's and the female will help the young out of the sacs. They are then transferred to the pit and stay there for another 5-8 days when the young then become free swimmers that feed off organic matter and can be fed after about another weak with baby brine, cyclops, crushed flake. The young should be removed upon reaching 3/4 inch.How is that.Is that all i need to know.For "targets" could i just use flame tetras?Right now the texas cichlids are only 3in.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Or is that what you just read and copied and pasted.

Anyways, first thing you need is a tank big enough for them. And depending on size, no tankmates.

"Targets" or Dithers won't really be needed IMO. Usually used to spread out aggression in a tank such as an african tank.