Thanks for all of your help


Medium Fish
Apr 29, 2005
Well after a week of doing nothing my tank seems to have turned the corner my amonia is 0 and nitrite is clear. I am not sure if PH will kill fish but the PH was terrible in the tank it was around 7.0 i put some buffer in and brought it up to 8.2 and now the damsals that survived seem to be doing great. I was wondering if it is to soon to replace my cleanup guys that i lost in the disaster as i am getting a good bit of brown algae on my glass and live rock now. Again thanks so much for all of yalls help with the live rock disaster.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i would wait until you are sure the tank is stable before introducing anything new...maybe give it another week. improper pH definitely will kill almost everything in the marine environment, especially if it fell as low as 7