Thanks for all the help

May 7, 2010
Thanks to everyone for all the help and advise! I have another question about my 55 gallon tank. I had a huge spike in Nitrate it seems that this is what is killing my fish. Just when the tank is almost cycled I lose 2 or 3 of them. I was reading elsewhere on here what to do so I did a 50% water change today and the readings went from over 160ppm to just between 40 and 80ppm. Looks like I will have to do another big change. Should I do it tomorrow or wait for another day? I also have a lot of brown algae growing in the tank. I have cleaned it off the glass but didnt want to get all of it out so there is food for any algea eaters I am hoping to put in there in the next couple weeks. Should I clean it all off?
For those of you who may ask I am using prime and Stress Zyme at water change and the ammonia and nitrites are 0 but the ph is a little high at 7.2. I have a liquid test kit and the tank has been set up for about 4 months now. What I have left for fish: 2 black mollies, 2 zebra danios and 3 gold platys.

Feb 27, 2009
Just make sure the water is the same temperature as the tank's water, and you can do the changes daily. Try to keeep nitrates at 20 or under for most species of fish.

Good job on the ammonia and nitrite!