Thanks for having me!

My name is Greg and I just started my first tank in a LOOONG time today. I have had saltwater and freshwater tanks almsot my entire life. My avatar is my Tang who was the centerpiece of my last saltwater tank.

I haven't decided what fish to get yet, and my tank is only a 10 gal to get me started again, but hopefully soon I'll have something to be proud of again!

Thanks for having me.


Hi and welcome! This is a great site.

Tips for Newbies!

Feel free to ask your questions. There are plenty of knowledgable people on here that will be happy to help you. Also, if you have time there is a search feature, that contains a ton of info. (thank you brian!)

If you need info on cycling a tank, find MissFishy's profile and click on the link in her signature.

Also, there is a chatroom here which is populated mostly in the evenings. Feel free to join and CHAT!!!

Anyway, have fun! :D

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