Thankyou and Goodnight

Jul 12, 2005
Thankyou to most of you on here for the kind help and advice you have given me over the last month. It seems that this place is so closely-knit that anyone who comes here and has a differing opinion is quickly jumped on and personally attacked. I don't need to waste my time with that kind of crap and so will say goodbye. Thankyou to Wayne, Froggy, Kahlua and any other who has been kind enough to offer me their advice when needed. *SUNSMILE*


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
rosealeedawn I really dont think you should let the comments of a few members turn you away from the entire forum...

Hopefully you'll give everyone another chance and come back again when you need some more help...and if not...good luck in your adventures.

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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rosealeedawn, i also have had some of the same problems that you describe on this forum, but it is only a few people who have feel the need to shoot down radical ideas or stray away from a post original topic and tell them what they are doing wrong, rather than answer the question at hand. The problem on this forum is very, very, small when compared to other forums. I have been to many others and they have so many people posting that questions dont have time to get answered before 20 others get asked. I personlly think that this is the best forum i have seen. Most other forum are filled with people who bash everyone else. this forum only has a few. But you are going to get those no matter where you go. And depending on your LFS, most of the time they dont know what they are talking about and they are also not available after hours.

I think that we need to look past those few individuals who prevent foreward progress and look at all the help that people get. I have gotten through so many problems on this site. Look at lordroad's post on The Mandarin Candidate. He came to this forum b/c any other forum would have givin him so much grief about his expeirement. He has gotten nothing but positive feedback and that is what this site is about.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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yeah come back ! There are a lot of SW forums, but in this one, you can actually be helped. If you read some of my posts last year, i was crapping in my pants everytime i felt something was wrong in my tank, but the guys here told me what to do and helped me.
I did cycle with damsels and i shouldn't have, i made mistakes and i still do sometimes.
Don't let a couple of guys/answers ruin your passion too.
Everyone has a different opinion or setup, and some people think their setup is the best and you should follow their advices..there's no obligation.
Anyways i have subscribed in 3 forums and this one is the best.


Medium Fish
Apr 29, 2005
If i had anything to do with you leaving you really should not pay attention to me i try to answer the small problems but most of the time have no clue i am learning along with all the other newbe's i suffer from the same problem you are going through talking to fish stores that want your money and being in a hurry to get my tank beautiful. These guys in here have slowed me down and made me appreciate the experience rather than just throwing it all in the tank and seeing what happens. But i am sorry if any of my comments upset you they were not intended to i am just a dumb saltwater flunky with alot of money to waste and i have acomplished that goal over the last year but this forum has made it easier

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
please dont leave. we dont want you to go. look at all the stuff you have learned here. now think about all the other stuff you can learn here. do you realy want to give up a learning oppertunity?

Jul 12, 2005
Thankyou all for your kind words, encouragement and advice. A few bad eggs are certainly not going to dampen my enthusiasm for this great hobby.

When important questions arise in the future, perhaps I will create a new account and come to those here that clearly DO know their salt, and ignore those who have displayed they have little to contribute. It is just a shame that a few feel it necassary to use the forums as a place to unload their baggage, in an effort to feel better about themselves.

I want to keep an aquarium that both I and my fish can be proud of. Not argue with dimwits when I have a question about how to get there. *crazysmil

Sep 15, 2004
Tucson, AZ
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I understand your frustration and comend your open-mindedness. I would hope that you will stick with this forum under your current sn or any other. I have learned so much from this forum and so can so many others. Feel free to PM with anyquestions that you have.

BTW, has your water cleared up from the sand?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
or maybe we can all just let by gones be by gones...retaliation/flaming/personal attacks, as was stated in the last post, will not be tollerated

rosalee please do come back and see us when you feel the time is right for you