Thats just wrong...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
OK so this is partially an obituary for my big gold mystery snail...and partially well...a confession?

OMG I feel so terrible but I guess there really wasn't anything else I could have done.

I was out of town for a week and my roommate was feeding my fish. Well the day I came back I was checking the tanks over to see how everyone was doing and I didn't see the gold snail in the 5G. Well...I figured it was just hiding, because where else could it have gone? A couple days later I was feeding the fish in the 5 and noticed something kinda smelled...thought to myself that it must be time to change the filter cartridge. Then last night I was watching tv and I put two and two together (the missing snail and the smell) ...OH NO! I ran into the hallway to check the tank for the gold snail. We're talking about a BIG snail...that thing was like the size of a golf ball, usually pretty easy to spot. SO I got a flashlight to look behind the tank and what do I poor gold snail.

How the heck or WHY the heck it crawled out of the tank I haven't the foggiest idea. There wasn't really any way for me to know it was back there...there's a backdrop on the tank so I cant see through it...

-=sigh=- so RIP gold snail. I'm sorry for your untimely death.

(of course now I have to figure out how the heck to get it out from behind there without totally grossing myself out or moving the tank. Yes, thats the confession...the snail is still there behind the tank because I'm too squeamish to pull it out! Heaven only knows if its been there for a couple days or a couple weeks! EWWW) :(


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Oven mitts work good for this, or latex mechanic gloves if you have any around (although you feel more of it that way). Salad tongs also make an excellent large snail capturing device...just make sure you wash them before using them on salad. :)

Sorry about the loss :(

Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
Visit site
My first snail died because I was adjusting the driftwood in the tank and the snail was under it and his shell cracked and he died not long after. I was mad at my self for quite a while. The smell really does stink. It smelled like the beach. When I went to remove him, he came outta the shell and floated to the top, it was gross. I left the shell in the tank to this day as a decoration. but I quicked flushed the insides and then I washed my hands 3 times.

Losing a snail really stinks (illiterally and literally).


WHY IT CRAWLED OUT or slimed out,

We have a snail over here, i dont know what they are but it kind of sounds the same, these ones climb out or up the glass and lay a cluster of eggs.( normally a leaf or brank over water. when they hatch the drop into the water, all to easy. now i dont know if these snails are imported or infact the same snail, chances are it may have been ready to spit out eggs.


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2003
Springfield, MO
I'm guessing I had the same thing happening to my ghost shrimp for a while. I had something like 4 disappear out of my little 5 gallon tank. I couldn't understand where they were going. The fish (neon tetras) were too small to totally devour them.

Anyway as soon as I plugged up a small hole at the top of the tank where the heater and filter cords went in (and near where they like to hang out on top of the heater) they stopped disappearing. However, I was never able to find any "remains" behind my desk...ghost shrimp are pretty much all water though!

All that to say tankful you know where it went....I spent days scratching my head in bewilderment as to where me freakin' shrimp went....and my wife wouldn't let up with the "they're GHOST shrimp" comments! =)