The 75 gallon cichlid tank, wanna name a few?


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Well, I was trying to snap off some pleco pics for another thread, but wasn't having any luck, so I figured I'd just snap off a few of my cichlid tank. There is two peacock type cichlids I need to identify, and the rest are just a few that turned out okay.

Here's the whole tank, I'll get closer pics later(that's an OB zebra in front):

My male Venustus, he's around 6" now(wish he was blue faced when I took this, he looks amazing when he colors up):

The male and female venustus hanging out, plus a yellow lab, it was a side angle shot):

The first peacock I haven't fully identified, the tank said red hap? sorry it isn't clearer):

And finally this guy, I have no idea what he is, I thought he was a BB chilumba when he was only 1", but now I have absolutely no idea, I got him from a wal-mart:

His anal fin is almost orange or maroon.

Any help identifying the peacocks is much appreciated, any other comments are appreciated as well :D


Small Fish
Jan 17, 2007
new Mexico
WOW!! I love that blue. Does it have a white blaze on its face? If not he is probably Hard to tell by the angle he is at. How big is the red peacock?

Edit: I really like that setup. Great job. Venustus are wonderful fish. Good pick on those!


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
yup, my blue does have some white going down his forehead, I love his coloring. Sorry about the quality of the pics, I will try to get some better ones, c-man, the peacock normally holds that color, it's colorings are a really dark purple, or violet, I'll try to snap a better one.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Toam said:
yup, my blue does have some white going down his forehead, I love his coloring. Sorry about the quality of the pics, I will try to get some better ones, c-man, the peacock normally holds that color, it's colorings are a really dark purple, or violet, I'll try to snap a better one.
Sometimes Male peacocks will not even color up all the way. Peacocks are a little bit more timid then a lot of Haps and Mbuna. They don't want to color up and attract the attention of the more dominant species in the tank. So they just chill with their dark coats on :p


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Still can't get the pleco's, but I tried two more shots of the peacock, and yes, it is definitely one of the more submissive fish in the tank, so I understand what you mean cichlid.
This one is the best I got, sorry for the green, but it's green algae on a green background:

And this one is blurry, but I thought it kinda of showed the reflection of the peacocks scales and color quite well even through the blurriness:

any help to ya cichlid-man?


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Phinx said:
WOW!! I love that blue. Does it have a white blaze on its face? If not he is probably Hard to tell by the angle he is at. How big is the red peacock?

Edit: I really like that setup. Great job. Venustus are wonderful fish. Good pick on those!
red peacock is around 4"