The addiction goes on!!!!!!


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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Betta Addicts Anonyous, PLEASE HELP*BOUNCINGS !!!
Hehe, I can't seem to stop!!! I didn't think I had a problem till today. I had sworn I would stop at 4 but I was at the store getting a new heater and I dedcided to take a looka t the bettas before the new shipment came in (tomorrow) and in the very back I saw one that's body faded from a red to pink with red fins dusted with blue. He is one of the prettiest I have seen and since I let a yellow slip through my fingers I just had to snach him up!!!!!! So now I have five!!!! Oh man, if I keep this up I will have to move out of my bedroom!!!! Ohh well, I consider it another life saved :)


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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No name yet :( , can't think of a good one. So far I have 3 blues named Balou, Billy, and BJ and the red (is actually more of an oragish color) is named Gator (has a hint of blue in him and they are my favorite team :p ) Anyway, any help naming him would be great!

Last edited:
Mar 11, 2003
I would love to help you too...but I can't even help myself! I just found out there is a breeder 1/2 hour away. So now I am buying a green DT male, green ST female, blue ST male, blue DT female, cello/marble female...and I hope thats it, lol!



Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Congrats on the new fish Sinsarity :) Im in the Bettas Anonymous club two, I even have one at someone elses house now! So you let a yellow betta slip away too? I let a yellow CT slip away two weeks ago (Im still kicking myself for that one).

Alexa your so lucky with a breeder near you, and that your gonna get a double tail betta, I have never seen one, let alone got one :)


Medium Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia
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#9 name's Scarab...

room: "Hi Scarab"

And I'm a....a....bettaholic.

room: *applause* and various responses-->
"It's ok"
"We understand"
"You'll be ok."

one lone response from the rear of the room:
"There's a two for one sale at XYZ Fish Store..."

*entire rooms empties in less than a nano second*

Mar 11, 2003
I am not sure how good the splits will be in the DTs, he said they weren't the best, but he is a really picky breeder. He said he did so well when he used to show (I believe he had to quit because of a fire) he was the 2nd best breeder in the nation! And he is selling some to me for $5-10 each. Not bad....not bad at all.


congrats on the new bettas everyone! you guys are REALLY bettaholics, i am somewhat a holic. if i see one that catches my attention, i think of the next suitable place i can place him in (while holding him, making sure no one snatches him from me), when i do think of a place, i begin thinking of a persuasive statement to get the betta, hehe, my tactics are truely evil! i wish there was a betta breeder near me...but alas, i dont and i envy!