The Best setup for Now

Aug 2, 2009

So, Ive had all my fish for a few months now, get some here get some there,
I traded my 55 gallon for a 29 gallon tall. Didnt like it at 1st, but, I love it now, In the 29 tall I have 5 parrotfish, Not sure what kind but fully grown are less than 3 inches long, and not too fat, a molly, and 2 Chinease algae eaters..
In my 20 Gallon long tank, I have 4 fish, 2 small oscars, and 2 black convict Chiclids. I know the 20 gallon is small for the oscars, but not right now it isnt. When they grow more, I have anotehr tank ready for them.
Im getting an idea in my head, that maybe I should pop the oscars In the 29 Tall instead, giving them more room, and put the parrotfish, molly, and algae eaters in my 20 Gallon long..Kind of a swap.
Does this seem like a good idea..All my fish are happy as is, And I will be getting rid of my 2 Black Convicts..They are getting bold towards my oscars..
I just want YOUR ideas for now, without the bashing offcourse, oh thats not right for those fish, or you shouldnt have fish that you dont know what breed they are..
Looking for your support and thoughts into this, I like to mix fish that would not be thought to mix, BUT, I look for fish with a personality.

The parrot fish are a light pink color, and not Blood parrots, almost look like a pink kissing gurami, but rounder, Like a mini Sunfish, just Pink..haha.And are all Family, so I wont split them.

Ideas, Please..And thankyou..Im new here.