The Betta miracle!!!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
well last night i went to go shut the lights out on all the tanks.before all of this happened i cleaned out the filter intake because some hair algae stoped the filter, so i cleaned most of it out. i went to go turn the lights out and noticed the beta didnt come to beg for food. i spent al least ten minutes looking for him on the floor with a flashlight. i checked to see if he jumped into the filter box no luck. then i just happened to think of were he could be. when i was thinking that i noticed that the usual hair algea growing near the filter blade was not green, but red, blue and purple:( . To get out wat i expected to be his corpes i had to fill the tub with tank water and shake the water out with an up and down motion. i shook him out... and to my surprize, he was breathing!!! i shut out the lights for him and unpluged the filter. i expected for him to be belly up, :eek: he was swimming around like nothing had happened!!! my question is what are his chances on surviving.
he lost some scales on his nose... and his fins are pretty tattered up. will his fins be normal ever again?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
His fins should regrow... you can put some Melafix in with him to help them regrow faster. Might want to cover up that filter intake with something before you plug the filter back in...

Sep 8, 2005
Add the malafix and keep his water clean. You can take a filter sponge or a nylon net pan scrubber and cut to fit then rubber band around your intake tube. A lot of people use pantyhose. I have found it to get too dirty too fast and clog. Good luck with your betta.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
i had a similar experience with a betta i had years ago. while in college, i asked my friend to take care of him while i went back to CT for the summer. she was moving into a new apartment, so she put the betta in some tupperwear for the drive and such and in the midst of unpacking the car, apparently she .. mm .. forgot about the betta. when she realized this, she went into the car, and the tupperwear was on the floor of the back seat, baking in the south carolina summer sun. she figured it was dead so went into the bathroom to flush it and LOW AND BEHOLD, it started swimmng around like nothing happened. they are some insane fish.