I started out with four cardinal tetras and a neon tetra about a week ago, in a cycled 10 gal with a mystery snail. I lost the neon the first night, and one cardinal the next. I've been testing water daily since adding the fish, but my ammonia test kit has gone bad. I ordered another, but I'm still waiting for it to arrive. My nitrites have been 0ppm, and my nitrates have been around 10ppm. The temp varies according to the weather, but it's been hot for the past week. I can't get it below 76, although it's usually closer to 78. The pH is pretty steady around 7.2.
Thursday night, I saw one of the surviving cardinals swimming with a spiral like a perfectly thrown football. I spent most of the night researching, and came up with everything from the tank was too hot, swim bladder ruptured, brainworms, neon tetra disease, overfeeding, stroke, and nearly everything else. He didn't make it through the night, but there were no obvious signs of injury.
Tonight, I noticed the "salt grain" spots of ich. There are a few spots on each of the two remaining tetras. I do have a few live plants and a mystery snail. I can remove the snail if I need to for treatment. What is the recommended treatment? 20 years ago, the last time I had this issue, it was copper sulfate. Is that still the treatment of choice? If not, what have you used that's worked?
Thursday night, I saw one of the surviving cardinals swimming with a spiral like a perfectly thrown football. I spent most of the night researching, and came up with everything from the tank was too hot, swim bladder ruptured, brainworms, neon tetra disease, overfeeding, stroke, and nearly everything else. He didn't make it through the night, but there were no obvious signs of injury.
Tonight, I noticed the "salt grain" spots of ich. There are a few spots on each of the two remaining tetras. I do have a few live plants and a mystery snail. I can remove the snail if I need to for treatment. What is the recommended treatment? 20 years ago, the last time I had this issue, it was copper sulfate. Is that still the treatment of choice? If not, what have you used that's worked?