The Epic Tale of Ultimate Survival (fish in bags)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Hey guys; long story here. Short end: I got 3 black kuhli loaches and a black moor from petsmart. Long end: *sigh* where do I begin??

I went to petsmart with my mom (I'm still sick so that sucks) and I picked out the fish that I wanted. No problem, right?? Well, when I got home, I stuck my fish (still in closed bags) in my tanks and went with my dog outside (for obvious reasons; even though I was only gone for 2 hours he left a nice present for me on the floor *sigh* Merry Christmas to me). Well somehow, I ended up locking myself out. My dad is obsessed with not letting me have a pair of house keys, so I went over to my neighbors house to get the extra pair. "He took them back last week," says my neighbor. Damn. My neighbor had gotten a new dog, so I stayed with my dog and played for a bit. Then I called my dad. "I have a lodge meeting tonight, I won't be home until 9 pm and jeanie (my evil step mother xP ) is out of town this week." FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!!!!!! It's 5 pm now, and I got my fish at 2 pm. I'm pissed, my fish are most certainly gonna die. I tried picking at the door, and even busting it down. As I was about to ram the door hard, my best friend walked by. "Your dad's gonna be pissed if you break the door," she said. "I don't care!!" I scream back. "What's gotten into you!?!?" "I HAVE FISH IN BAGS!!!!!!" "OMG LET ME HELP!!!" Thankfully, she's a big fan of my fish. Ultimately, we couldn't get the door down. Finally my dad comes home at 9:30 pm and I drag myself upstairs, knowing what to expect. My dad thought that a murderer was in my room with the way that I screamed. My fish were ALIVE!!! So, it's 10:30 pm now and I got my fish acclimated. Here's a few photos for ya guys!!

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Good to hear they made it.

Many fish are shipped in bags for days. While the survival rate isn't always good, it's not necessarily a death sentence for the fish to be in a bag for several hours. Of course, it's best to get them in the tank as soon as you can, but they may not be harmed if things go wrong and you can't get to them right away.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, I only freaked out cuz they were huddled together in a corner and panting really hard and fast. Every time I moved they would dart up to the surface. But now I got them eating and they like to hide underneath my terra cotta pots.