The Evolution of our Reef Tank


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
This will document the evolution and building of the 75gallon Reef Tank
(aka PITA..aka Money Hemorrhage..aka pretty awesome with even more awesomeness potential).

Eric (BF) decided that we needed a fish tank.... About 10+ years ago he had like 8-15 tanks and was very good at them... but I think my memory is better than his.... He said he really wanted to do one and with my urging we decided on Salt water/Reef... what a frigging PITA... from the plumbing to perfecting the water flow... you have to have the exact flow out of the tank as you do into the tank.. or it can cause major issues.. like over-flowing... We are still fighting this battle and it seems to be one of those things that not many people talk about... so any insight on this would of course be helpful!

Saturday - 5/28/2011
We decided to stop by Petsmart to look around and apparently discuss the idea a bit - It had been in his head and I guess it finally came to fruition.

We had the kids with us (my 4.5yr old and our 2yr old daughter). We decided to do Saltwater - I had in my head that I wanted Seahorses - but of course knew very little and have never done tanks before. (we have now decided against Seahorses after some research)

We decided on a 75gallon with a stand and talked with someone who seemed to know a bit about saltwater.

We left the store with the following:

75 gallon tank
20lb live sand
20lb live crushed coral
20lb live aragonite
Fluval Pump

We got home and built the stand and placed the tank on top.

We filled the tank with the sand mixture and filled tap water (bad move.. we know and fixed it.. but this is the daily account)... added the salt and hooked up the Fluval pump to start to cycle the system.

Sunday - 5/29/2011

We got up and decided to hit two local fish stores that specialize in Reef/Saltwater.

After speaking with the owner at the first store we changed our tactics a bit.

I had also done a fair amount of research and decided that we could in fact NOT have seahorses – that if we ever did get seahorses, it would be a separate tank…

We bought 50lbs of live rock and on his recommendation, 2 Chromis (I know this can be controversial… we are learning people) and some frozen brine shrimp food.

Eric went to the second store on his own and by the time I had gotten home we had the CPR Protein Skimmer, a wet sump and a different pump. He had also taken out 50% of the water and replaced it with RO water and had gotten the salt levels back to the correct levels.

I then later went back to the same store to get directions for the Sump, that were missing and ended up purchasing the CPR overflow.

We re-plumbed the system – This is now a pattern…… and had the tank running… we then realized (due to the water flow and trying to figure out a fish screen) that Eric had in fact had put the overflow in backwards and upside down  Talk about not reading the directions…. When we figured that out, we realized that the tank was too close to the wall… so with some careful usage of a crow bar we moves it out from the wall (Eric had done this earlier in the day during the water change to try and level out the tank.. and after utilizing some particle board, was able to do so).

We took apart the CPR overflow, got it back together correctly – ran to the hardware store for more PVC connectors and re-plumbed the system… AGAIN….

What we found was that the intake/outtake was not working.. It seemed that we could not get enough water from the tank to the sump to keep up with the pump…We (ie, Eric) – then pulled out the overflow and RE-PLUMBED (yes.. again) the system to be a simple PCV intake Siphon.

We later realized that while he sucked out the air to get flow… that maybe he had not actually gotten ALL the air out….

So currently… We have this plumbing hookup

Simple PVC intake Siphon with a fish basket

PVC into the Sump with Ball Valve and the smaller pump

CPR Protein Skimmer

This weekend - We will be RE-PLUMBING the system - AGAIN. Adding the CPR overflow back in as well as the bigger pump.

Day 2 (Sunday 5/29/2011) - Saltwater/Reef Tank Build

60lbs Live Sand and 50lbs live rock and 3 plastic plants (First day with rock and 2nd day with sand)

Day 3 (5/31/2011) - Saltwater/Reef Tank Build
80lbs Live Sand and 100lbs live rock and NO plastic plants. 2 Chromis (Fish) and one Hermit Crab... we found him in the sump while adjusting the flow.. he must have hitched a ride on the live rock.

Its day 3.. and while I see the awesome-ness potential.. and the kids ADORE it.. and it only has 2 fish right now since it needs to cycle for 2 weeks... it is causing us to not go to sleep until 1am almost every night since Saturday....Again.. perfecting the water flow from the in-take and out0take has been a HUGE PITA... along with the equipment and having to modify everything...

Farther out view after we re-arranged the rock.. we probably need another 60lbs of rock for the tank and the sump (filters the water in the tank like the ocean)

Day 4 (6/01/2011) - Saltwater/Reef Tank Build
80lbs Live Sand and 150lbs live rock + Coralife Lighting (bought for a steal on sale) + 1 powerhead
2 Chromis (Fish) and one Hermit Crab



Small Fish
May 23, 2011
Very nice I've been in the hobby for about ten years, just got back into it after 2-3 year hiatus. I will need to try a saltwater tank if I succeed with a my first planted fish tank. All the best!


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
Last night we added the CPR Overflow back in and re-plumbed the system and the water flow seems to be holding steady right now.. no real fluctuation... though i am still surprised that not more people talk about this stuff....

Today we are getting another bag of live crushed coral... a light or two for the sump system... another powerhead or looking around for an MP40... any thoughts on these?


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
So I have been MIA.. family emergency took presidence over the tank - though Eric still dealt with it.

So after talking to an owner at the LFS we realized that the ball valve should be on the intake or the flow back into the tank.. OMG.. this made all the difference..... it was easy as pie to set up the overflow and everything... turned off the power several times and it was super easy.

So the bigger pump is back in, along with the CPR overflow.

Eric also found some Coralife Metal Halides on super sale... $400.00 as opposed to 1200.00 so those got set-up...We also noticed that the cheapo stand from Petsmart was starting to bow so we had to get a new stand.. which has a hood and is super cool..... but now with the metal Halides in the hood they get super hot and we have put in two mini fans...

Of course Eric now thinks we should sell the Coralife lighting system and go to an LED set-up to save energy and to watch the heat.., I guess the Ballasts for the lights get super hot too...

We also added more rock so we know have 150lbs of live rock, 80lbs of live sand and 40lbs of crushed coral....

We also added a small cleaning crew of 10 hermit crabs, 5 snails (I think) and 2 Mexican turbo snails... when we first got them I was a little concerned about them having enough to eat so we fed them some organic Nori... of course the tank has started to grow Algea.. we *think* green hair... so they have a bunch to eat.

We have been checking the water and everything looks good... we are going to talk to someone on Friday about the lighting situation and decide if we want to sell the Halides and go LED or what not...

They have the best little bubble rose anemone that they are holding for me.. but we won't put it into the tank until we are absolutely certain we are all set to go with everything... i think that and the clowns will be a great addition... the kids are loving the snails and crabs - which makes waiting for the fish a little easier... here is an updated picture...

We also have 2 power-heads now and will be adding one more...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Good to hear you got the overflow situation figured out.

I'd really advise you to wait until the tank has been set up for at least six months or a year before you try an anemone. The clowns don't need it, and anemones are so picky about water quality it's not funny. There are so many processes going on in a tank while it matures, and an anemone won't generally tolerate those minute changes. JMHO. We got an anemone around the six-month mark and it was still touch-and-go with the thing being "unhappy" for months. Clowns will go for lots of easy corals, such as torch corals or mushrooms. It makes as good a display as an anemone does anyway. Our clowns chose corals over anemones.

On the metal halides, I guess it depends on how your electricity bills are. We went for T5 because of the heat and energy costs. At the time, LEDs were still too new to experiment with. With MH, you may end up having to buy a chiller. But, if your house gets warm in summer, you'll have to do that anyway if you plan on corals and anemones. Anything over about 84 F and corals start dying.


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA

We will be waiting until we are very sure that no harm will come to the Anemone before putting it into the tank.. the LFS will hold her until we are ready unless something comes up.. I guess they have had her for a while and are not in any hurry to see her go - its a family run business.

We really dont want to invest in a chiller... if you were going to buy lights today.. would you still go with the T5's or LED's?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If I were buying new lights, I'd take a good look at LEDs and do some research into them. I'm not entirely sure how far they've come in the past two or three years in terms of things like color and coral growth. I chose T5 partly because you can always change the bulbs if you don't like the color or growth you're getting.

Have you figured out the kinds of corals you want, or is it going to be only the anemone in there?


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
So this weekend was a big weekend for the tank.

We added the 2 AquaRay LED's.... and removed the metal halides but we just didn't feel that the light was what we wanted.... so we slept on it.....

We did add the Cabbage Coral and the Purple Tip Hammers on Friday night - Did some of the Aqua-scaping and hit the hay once we figured out how we wanted to hang the LEDS

At first we attached them right to the hood -

We were originally going to hand them with stainless steal cable but after a little more thought we decided on a different approach.

We took a cut piece of Plywood and attached the LEDS to that and then hung the whole unit in a stainless steel chain so that we can adjust the height as needed for the optimal light output, etc...

We really were not pleased with this lighting setup... we had the shadows in the middle and it just didn't produce the color or light we think the tank needed.

On Saturday we debated back and forth if we should had another 2 Disks or add some blue LED strips... now the AquaRays with Controller are $400.00 so while we originally thought that because we could take them home right then and there and that they have a 5yr warranty, they would be better than Illunimations, or AI or Vertex... we were not really pleased.

By Saturday night we had added another disk ($1200.00 in Aquaray LED disks)... we still were not really happy but wanted to sleep on it before ordering a 4th disk.. we tossed around adding the Blue LED strips for $200.00 each but still were not sure... We did a little more research and by Sunday we had purchased a coralife 48" 2 bulb T5 to supplement... (I will take pictures tonight...)

So 2 weeks after setting up and cycling our tank, it is starting to look like something... We have been testing our water and also had the LFS store it Saturday... which determined that we were good to go to start to stock the tank.

Friday - 6/10/2011
* Added one Cabbage Coral
* Added 3 frags of Purple Tip Hammer Coral

Saturday - 6/11/2011 (Frag Swap)
* Toad Stool (Named the "Penis Plant" since all the tenticles retracted when we moved it from the LFS tank)
* Teal Kenya Tree
* Kenya Tree
* Orange Zoa's
* Green Star Polyps
* Green People Eaters (Green Zoa)
* Xenia
* Green Torch Coral Frag

* 4 peppermint shrimp
* 2 cleaner shrimp
* 3 emerald crabs
* 1 brittle star (Black with small disc)

* 2 clowns
* 1 six line wrasse
* 1 Algae Blenny

Sunday - 6/12/2011

We made a trip to target to try and find shelving to help organize the bottom of the tank stand... we also made a trip to a LFS that is 20mins from us - by our target - to ask some more questions and see what they had....

I ended up buying a pink and green star polyp rock - it is so pretty....

we were pretty annoyed because the guy told us that our protein skimmer is on the small size if we want to add more fish... which seems ridiculous because we have 4 fish in a 75g tank... and we made our intentions clear when we started set-up....

So we left and dropped the coral off and then made a trip to another LFS about 30miles from us.... we wanted to check out their lighting and information, etc...

We ended up buying the T5's from them.. better prices and while we like to keep the money local... this set-up has been insane already.

We also brought home:

1. Medium sized "Orange/white" Torch Coral
2.) Green and pink Fuzzy Mushrooms
3.) Coral Beauty (Dwarf Angel) Which everything we have read and people have told us are "almost reef" safe... about 1 in 10 will nip... so we are taking our chances....

I will have to get some updated images...

but as of Friday night - this is what the tank was looking like:

Sorry about image quality - just snapped with my iphone
Cabbage Coral and some of the Purple Tip Hammers

Some of the leather coral that came on the live rock

The other bunch of Purple Tip Hammers

Some of the blue mushrooms with green zoa's and one of the cleaner shrimp

So our tank now looks like the following:

75g Tank
80lbs of Live Sand
20lbs of crushed coral

25g eshoppes sump
CPR - overflow with air lifter
CPR - Protein Skimmer

1 Siccie - Powerhead (I thought this one was a Tunze until I checked the box)
1 Koralia - Powerhead

3 x Aquaray LEDS with Controller
1 Coralife T5 48" 2 bulb

* Leather Coral (Came on live rock)
* Cabbage Coral
* Teal Kenya Tree
* Purple Tip Hammer Coral
* Toad Stool (Medium/low light and flow)
* Kenya Tree (Low flow to grow/ high-medium to maintain)
* Orange Zoa
* Star Polyp (high light and high flow)
* Green People Eaters (Zoa's)
* Xenia
* Green Torch Coral (Medium light/Medium Flow)
* Torch Coral (Orange/white) - (Medium light/Medium flow)
* Fuzzy Mushrooms (Moderate/low flow - any light)
* Star Polyps - Pink and Green
* Blue Mushrooms with Lime Green Zoas

* 3 Mexican Turbo Snails
* 10 Sm. Hermits
* 5 sm. snails
* 4 Peppermint Shrimp
* 2 Cleaner Shrimp
* 3 Emerald Crabs
* Brittle Star
* Conch (Hitched a ride on a coral/rock)

* 2 Clowns (Nemo and ?)
* 1 Six-Line Wrasse (Sass-a-frasse)
* 1 Algae Blenny
* 1 Dwarf Coral Beauty Angel


New Fish
Jun 2, 2011
Santa Cruz, CA
Hi all....

So I took pictures last night and I was super excited to see our toadstool opening up and everyone getting along!

Current Tank Set-up Pictures

*CPR Overflow

Under the tank

Sump with CA2200 pump and the recently added Fluval (which we bought before the sump and have decided to add it back into the system)

Far away lighting (3x Aquaray LED's + 1 T5 2blub)

CPR Protein Skimmer - No idea how big it is.. couldn't find it on the box
