The fish i choose to get rid of...

WEll i posted a thread asking what fish i should get rid of and this is what i came down too...

Fish I got Rid of:
2 Balloon Mollies
1 Twinbar Platy
1 Ugly Female Guppy
3 Marigold Swordtails

LOL Is my tnak still crowded?

Fish i Have:
4 Baby Blue Rams
8 Neon Tetras
4 Guppies
7 Platies
2 cories
1 baby pleco (1 inch)
1 otto
3 endler livebeaers
1 crowntail betta

LOL i know it is I still don't know what fish to get rid of anyone have some suggestions?

I have a 20 gallon High tank!!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Now see, last time u posted your message you didnt have half that stuff, so, it wou;dn't have been over crowded, the trick is to stop buying new stuff,when you get rid of things.. Get rid of the pleco and the platies..