The Going Big Journal.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well im always a guy who likes do as much research as possible, and thats why im starting this journal. I wont be able to start this for a few months as im building a stand and still looking for the right tank. So lets get started. I want as much feed back as possible, you think i should change something[like equipment or something] tell me about it. I would like this to also be a building ground for some beginners[including me] as well.
I will most likely go with a 125gal drilled
Should i go with a 55 or 75gal sump?[i will have questions later about sumps]
150+lbs of LR
havent really decided on inhabitants yet
Current USA Fission Power Skimmer Protein Skimmer, 210 gallon
Hydor Koralias, what should i get? 2 #2's 1 #3?
I have no idea what type of light i should get, i think im going to retro fit it into a canopy?
Well thats all i can think of at the moment. I will list the cost of things as i start buying. Any thoughts?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i have a 125g drilled so i can prolly help.... unless u build your stand taller than normal u wont be able to access your sump easily if u go with a 55g or bigger ... also i would say to get the tank pre drilled which was kinda a mess for me getting it drilled and the overflows and everything .... i have a koralia #3 on one side and a #4 on the other plus my return and i can say i wish i had went with 2 #4's ... on that skimmer IMO id save a little more $ and go with a g3 or theres a millon other better choices (buy it right buy it once!) if i can think of any other advice ill let ya kno ;)

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I agree on the Koralia 4s. I have a 125g (60"), and kind of wish I'd gone with two K4 instead of a K3 and a K4.

I gotta say, I hate high stands from the maintenance point of view. There's nothing worse than being on a step ladder balancing over your tank trying to place a coral with water up to your armpit.

We went for a suspended light fixture over the tank. It makes maintenance easier. If you do an enclosed hood, you'll need to get fans to remove the heat.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have 2 Korallia 4's in my 75g and run them on a Seio great!

The skimmer I think is a major purchase and should be done right...euroreef or aqua C are good choices as is the ASM.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Lotus, do think that i should take the height of the stand down? What type of tank would i use for the sump? I'll think about giving the suspended light fixture a chance, i completly forgot about it. I bet you dont really get any salt crep do you? And ill change the skimmer to an aqua C. And 2 K4's as the powerheads.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
There's nothing worse than being on a step ladder balancing over your tank trying to place a coral with water up to your armpit.
in a larger tank your guna be up to your arm pit reguardless (unless u got some long arms lol) besides its also nicer to have the tank a little taller than normal so u dont have to bend over so much to look at the tank... your guna spend alot of time placing corals but youll spend alot more time just standing there looking! the main thing is that youll be able to fit the skimmer and access everything... my stand is 28" which i belive is pretty standard. my 55g sump is 21"tall but since its so long (48") ther isnt much room on either side...the way the stand is i only have 6" clearance to access my not sayin make it huge not even 3' but like 32" would be perfect... this is the main reason i want to upgrade just to re configure my sump/stand
also make sure u do everything right the first time! theres alot i wish i did differant but its too late now

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
i would give some help but im new to the saltwater world, its dark and creepy, but i like it!
Then you ain't got the right lights man! ;)

I'm the opposite of lotus, i love tall stands. While maintaining the tank comes first and must happen to enjoy it, i place the viewing aspect high on the list. And a tall stand is a must for me. There are ways to build a tall sturdy stand.

Suspended lights would probably make things easier, but remember then you need a tank cover like glass or netting to keep things from carpet surfing. Thinking the same way you could use something like copper piping or some kind of metal pipes to construct a stand of sorts that suspends the pendant above the tank. Also factor in if you do end up retroing something, leave space somewhere to place the ballasts for the lights, they get hot and must be away from moisture.

As for what type of lights? Cha ching ;). 3 choices of course with coral. MH, T5, or MH and T5.

Skimmer is a big purchase, that and lights are probably gonna be your biggest purchases. Euro-Reefs are nice but expensive (get what you pay for right?), and i've been hearing good things about the Reef Octopus skimmers lately as well.

Its hard for me to judge not having that much tank, but 150lbs of rock for a 120gal sounds a little much? I seem to always overstock rock. Remember once your coral grows in it won't look as empty as it does at first, i wouldn't suggest compensating for the bare look at the beginning by adding more rock.