the gourami strikes again...


New Fish
Sep 1, 2010
Okay so I had bought 5 neon tetras a few days ago and now... they're all dead. Now I have learned the hard way that blue gouramis and neon tetras don't get along AT ALL.

Right now in my 10 gallon I have:

3 guppies (2 females, 1 male)
1 Blue gourami

I want to get rid of the gourami and maybe the guppies for other fish and restock my 10 gallon with maybe some platies... and neon tetras... or maybe some danios.

getting rid = giving it back to the LFS. :)



Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Welcome to the forum! :)

Are you sure it's the gourami? I've mixed blue gouramis and neons before with no issues whatsoever..

Neon tetras tend to be quite fussy nowadays and if there's something wrong with the water they're often the first to go. Do you test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? If not, it'd be very useful to buy a liquid dropper testing kit to make sure it's not your water that's killing the fish. How long has the tank been set up? Did you cycle the tank?

Blue gouramis are too big for a 10 gallon tank as it is so definitely return him. Platies are lovely but breed like mad.. so you'd have to be prepared to put a lot of fry somewhere. I wouldn't do danios because they're so active, and require quite a lot of swimming space that just isn't available in a 10 gallon.

You could probably do 6 tetras and a centrepiece fish such as a dwarf gourami easily. Just be careful not to overstock. What fish appeal to you?


New Fish
Sep 1, 2010
Welcome to the forum! :)

Are you sure it's the gourami? I've mixed blue gouramis and neons before with no issues whatsoever..

Neon tetras tend to be quite fussy nowadays and if there's something wrong with the water they're often the first to go. Do you test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? If not, it'd be very useful to buy a liquid dropper testing kit to make sure it's not your water that's killing the fish. How long has the tank been set up? Did you cycle the tank?

Blue gouramis are too big for a 10 gallon tank as it is so definitely return him. Platies are lovely but breed like mad.. so you'd have to be prepared to put a lot of fry somewhere. I wouldn't do danios because they're so active, and require quite a lot of swimming space that just isn't available in a 10 gallon.

You could probably do 6 tetras and a centrepiece fish such as a dwarf gourami easily. Just be careful not to overstock. What fish appeal to you?

I saw the blue gourami chasing the neon tetra around the tank and trying to nip its fins and eventually.. he won. I saw all this at a distance.
I was thinking of getting rid of the gourami and guppies and restock with Rasbora Hengeli... but how many? what do they go good with

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Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
^A dwarf gourami is a dwarf gourami, regardless of the colour strain. I would imagine the difference in aggression levels that you noticed is to be attributed to individual personality differences, not something cosmetic like colour.

I like misterking's idea of a honey gourami, they are beautiful little fish IMO and should get along well with any other tank mates.