The Hobby

Mar 6, 2004
Sayre, Pa
Not so long ago, my wife and I ventured into WalMart and against our better judgement spent the last of our grocery money on a 29 gallon "deluxe" aquarium setup. From my point of view, this was a great way for us to start this new diet, and maybe find a little hobby for us to enjoy together instead of completing the same old boring routine day in and day out of vegetating in front of the TV and raiding the fridge. We decided on Swordtails. What a great idea. Except we knew absolutely nothing about fish.
Since then, we have decidedly learned on NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that this was far from a "little hobby". It seems to continue to eat away at our grocery budget, and not only that, but from my ham radio budget (tiny as it may be).
We now host 11 fish, including a newborn swordie, 2 large comet goldfish, 1 male red velvet swordtail, 1 female red velvet swordtail, 1 female pineappe swordtail, 2 yellow platys (Male & Female), and Three Black Neon Tetras. We keep these fish among two heated tanks and a cold tank. I'm afraid that if we don't stop ourselves, we might have another tank, and then we'd have 4 tanks....and probably have to keep them in a cardboard box of a home.
To Say the least, I'm sure that this time and money consuming hobby has saved our sanity, marriage, and more than likely, our lives of boredom.
I submit that this hobby we call "fishkeeping" is more than just a hobby. It is THE hobby.


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
I agree.... this is "The Hobby"!
I've been told many times that lossing self-control, I'm crazy, & so on. "What are you planning on doing opening a fish store?"

I own a 37gal, 2gal, (2)10gal (plan to get 1 more), & I just got a 55gal (not setup yet) + I do most of the work on my girlfriend's 5gal, 10gal, 2gal. tanks (happy to have her into "the hobby" somewhat)

Mar 6, 2004
Sayre, Pa
Thanks for the Warm Welcome

Well geez. Thanks for the nice welcome, everyone. My wife gives her regards, as well.
Yes, indeed, we are fishlovers. We buy Aquasafe by the 55 gallon "Alvacite" Drum. Some call us crazy, but i prefer "aquatically eccentric".
Hope everyone has a good day.

Brad Turner, W3TOD