The ich blues.....

Some of you have known about my ich problems, and this is gone on long enough. I got heavily infested with ich at the beginning of the month and have had it since, but not as heavily. I've raised the temp to 80 F, added salt to the water, water agitation under way, water changes once a week, and I'm using Maracide. Anybody have any suggestions to this common problem?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
try feeding you fish garlic extract to help ward off ick and boost diseaes also is a strong atractant so that will help sick fish eat.there is little hard facts on the validity of garlic therapy but many top breeders such as jack wattly and pablo tepoot use garlic.i mostly try to avoid meds because of the risk of overmedicating scaleless fish(which is most of my fish)another thing is get the biggest tank possible.for some reason fish just do better when bigger.wether it because there is more water,less terittory fights or just plain comfort i don't know?also vacuming the gravel is real important because it helps to remove cysts form the gravel bed where they lie in wait.if all else fails try a uv sterilizier.that almost allways does the job.the one catch is if you don't find the source of the problem and the uv wears out or gets unpluged the the ick comes right back.another thing is food imho when a fish gets a complete range of food they are better of than fish fed on staple food.i mean how depresed would you be eating frosted flakes for your whole life.honestly i have only had to deal once with ick and it was a cold winter and i couldn't keep a constant temp in my house.well none of these are anwsers to your question they are all things i find to be vital to my fish and i hope this helps


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Remove all your fish to another tank, then bleach everything from the infected tank, in effect, starting over. Bleach kills all. Don't place any fish into the clean tank until they are ich free.


I thought my Catfish would take it like a G, too, but they just died last. All I got is 7 common goldfish, 1 pleco, and 1 Betta and my goldfish stayed alive through the whole thing without even showing a symptom, the ich isn't effecting them one bit!!

So I just feed them garlic extract directly or make a sprinkle it on their food or what? What a about minced garlic? And whats a uv sterilizer? Never heard of it. I got nothing to lose because the goldfish are invincible, I think that the pleco has it, and I know the Betta has it. I could just put the Betta in a bowl that I have if the treatment is too risky. But I do got my plants to worry about. I don't want to lose those, but I also don't want this ich no more. And whats the procedure on bleaching? Thanks a lot.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
thats the thing about catfish,they have areputation as these superfish,but really most are shy and sensitive fish.catfish don't have any scales to act as a chemical barrier so they are more veunerable to meds. pollution etc... as for garlic therapy you can buy garlic extract or use fresh pressed garlic juice using a garlic press that you can buy almost anywhere that sells cooking supplys just add the garlic juice or extrac directly to the food. a uv sterilizer is a device that holds a uv bulb inside a chamber that water passes the water passes through this chamber the uv bulb emits high intensity light that disrupts the cell strucure of microorganisims and changes the dna as well rendering these organisims unable to reproduce.and killing them as well.the only thing is that uv sterilizers are fairly expensive.about 80-200 dollars.