The Keyhole Cichlid. Brown and down like a clown.

Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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Aquadens Maronii- the Keyhole Cichlid, is probably the most peaceful cichlid you can buy. And if its not, its right up there.

I have seen these fish do really funny things. If one of them is itchy, and scratches itself on something, others will immediately swim up to the affected fish, which will flare its fins and stay perfecty still while it is inspected for parasites by the others. If an inconsistency is present, the other Keyholes will point it out by nudging it with their "noses". If an infection such as Ich is present the fish will check eachother several times daily. Its great fun to watch.

These fish are almost pathetically sensitive to changes in their environment. Ammonia, Nitrite, Salt, Medications, Temperature shifts, even too strong a current will all result in a frustrated Keyhole that clamps its fins and sits angrily on the substrate.

They have quite the attitude and are while worth it. Definitely not an aggresive fish. Easily bossed around by a dwarf gourami :)

They seem to do well at a PH of neutral to about 7.5 but that's only from experience.

Temperature preference would appear to be in the high seventies.

Low salt tolerance.

Seems to do best on a primarily carnivorous diet such as frozen bloodworms as well as flakes, spirulina, etc.

Max size 5" but 4" is likely the largest you'll ever see.