Once upon a time, a young college student named Ryan started his 10 gallon fish tank, and the first fishies he got were 4 neon tetras. The neon tetras were scared of the spacious tank and hid in the corner all day. Mr. LFS happened to sell Ryan two reeaaaaly small neons, but ryan still wanted to keep them.
Well, Ryan got more fishies, but the little neons slowly perished. Ryan thought "I am doing anything wrong!? Why the F*#& do my other fish thrive and my neons die!?!?"
After two neons had died, the other two remaining took a liking to the Zebra Danios and followed those little buggars around. But last night, the other small Neon perished, leaving him with one neon.
He now sits in the corner of the tank, lets the food come to him, and just hangs out by himself, looking lonely and sad...whats to come of the lonely neon? To be continued...
IN ALL REALITY!!! What should I do with the poor buggar...he looks unhappy (I know he's a fish, and emotions are hard to tell) but he just sits there, while the others swim and swim! He was the biggest out of the four neons I did get, but geez! I wish he would school with the others, or someone would say "i have a huge school of neons" I dunno...Suggestions?
Well, Ryan got more fishies, but the little neons slowly perished. Ryan thought "I am doing anything wrong!? Why the F*#& do my other fish thrive and my neons die!?!?"
After two neons had died, the other two remaining took a liking to the Zebra Danios and followed those little buggars around. But last night, the other small Neon perished, leaving him with one neon.
He now sits in the corner of the tank, lets the food come to him, and just hangs out by himself, looking lonely and sad...whats to come of the lonely neon? To be continued...
IN ALL REALITY!!! What should I do with the poor buggar...he looks unhappy (I know he's a fish, and emotions are hard to tell) but he just sits there, while the others swim and swim! He was the biggest out of the four neons I did get, but geez! I wish he would school with the others, or someone would say "i have a huge school of neons" I dunno...Suggestions?