The new kids on the block


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Ha, there's even five of them. The angels have been in the 33gal "planted" tank overnight now, and are all comfy and mooching for food, making pics pretty easy to get of them. They're super cute...I've always had a soft spot for angels, I'm actually really happy with my decision to get rid of the Tangs and do this tank up.

Here's a pic to show their size...the black guy is the biggest of the group:

And a group shot of them all

And a tank shot:


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
We moved this past weekend, and I seriously downgraded. I've had as many as 24 tanks running at a time. Before moving, I was at 16, and I downgraded so that now I only have 6 - definitely not as much variety as before. There's Talon's tank, Vixen's, the angel tank, my hap/peacock tank, polit/saulosi tank, and my pair of zebra crayfish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
I beg to differ. And of course I didn't get rid of the barred midas, he died about two months ago. The EBJD was boring as hell, and the redclaws I would have liked to keep but I wasn't about to dedicate a tank to them when I was limited my fish as it was.

Aug 28, 2007
since you just got some angels i may as well temporarily jack your thread if you don't mind. my husband and i have a 50gal hex tank that we have had a lot of problems with (took forever to cycle, driftwood that was supposed to be for tanks started decaying in the tank, plants dying, etc...). we have a school of pristella (spelling?) tetras and we had lost a few do to our own stupidity (filled the tank up with water too quickly) but have had a solid school of 8 for months. we added some angels to the tank a few months ago, and no matter what we do, we keep loosing them. some of them got parasites, we tried to treat them, that didn't work and they ended up passing away, lately they will be fine, and then mysteriously the next day wind up dead. we've probably had at least 6 of them pass away. is there some special secret to success with these guys?

Jul 19, 2007
perhaps you just got a bad batch..When I first got my angel fish, I got two and later one died to a parasite infection..the other one survived and is thriving...there really doesnt seem to be a secret to their success...just make sure you provide tropical warm waters and good quality water to go along with it