The new tank...125g


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Time to plan.

Selling this house, buying a new one.

New house gets 125g tank in the basement.

For water exchanges I am plumbing in supply and drain lines to make it easy.

I will go planted in this one as well. I'm jealous of the beautiful planted tanks I see here.

Wife suggested SW but not sure I'm ready for that yet.

Stocking is going to be tough. I want EVERY fish I see in my tank. There are soooooo many awesome ones.

Pleco for sure, maybe a galaxy.

Rasboras for 15 of em.

Shrimp - oh yea.

Snails too.

Guppies or swordtails for live bearers... love me some fry

A rainbow shark, a betta.

Then I dunno what else.

I'd check Aqadvisor but they would probably tell me my tank was already full and breaking several laws of nature....pfffft


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I'd say negative on the betta for SEVERAL reasons.

1-A 125g will be way to deep for a betta

2-Male bettas do not make good community fish. I speak from personal experience. I had one in a 29gal with a few platies, some guppies, an upside down catfish, and a few otos. None of the other fish bothered him, but he still hid ALL the time and his colors became extremely washed out. He ended up dying within a couple of months.

3-The rainbow shark will have way too much fun terrorizing your poor, slow-swimming betta.

Please please please don't subject a beautiful male betta to the misery of being in a community tank. They're solitary fish and like it that way.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Gourami huh?

Ok I could keep my Betta in my gal tank and keep him in the kitchen I suppose.

One thing I like about the Betta is they swim at the top.

I'll probably get a few cories for the bottom. I have lots of mid level simmers in there, but what about someone to patrol the top. Does the Gourami do that?

The other thing I am considering is going community with the 38 g and strictly semi-aggressive with the 125g.

Oh the possibilities.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Yes, gouramis swim at the top. They're labrynth fish, just like bettas, so they like to stay near the top so they can breathe from the surface. I have a beautiful flame dwarf gourami in my 18gal and I had a gorgeous opaline gourami in my 29gal (until I redid my 29gal and the gourami just didn't fit in with my stocking plan).


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Yea I agree. Water exchanges on a 125g - heck even just filling it - will be too much by hand. The water will be coming direct from a well so chlorine is not a problem.

I'm checking oout these butterly and hatchet fish you guys mentioned.

The move is still about a year off....maybe a bit less, but never too early to start planning and dreaming!

If I get lucky, aka "the boss lets me" I'll go for a 180.

I want my own personal lake in my basement !


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Yea...but they get BIG.... like 12 inches... How many of those things could I fit but still have other fish...

On the good side....wife asked about doing something bigger..maybe a 300 gallon.

Oh now if that ever happened.....!