The problems of my tank, again :(


the tank: Juwel Rekord 70, holds 60 litres, has a Juwel compact filter, two ornaments, two plants and some wood (bogwood I think). Has been running for three weeks

the fish: one male guppy, two female guppies, one guppy fry and one LDA33 catfish (kind of like a Snowball) at round about 2 inches. Have been added for two weeks

the water conditions: 79 F, ammonia 0, nitrate 0, pH between 7 and 8 and NITRITE 4-5!

problems so far:
  • I originally had three guppy males, two died within 24 hours and I thought it was a bacterial infection because their whole tail decayed away. I treated them with melafix but it was too late, the other two fish in the tank had no symptoms though.
  • The water was cloudy in the last week which I'm told was probably a bacterial bloom and not necessarily a problem, it has cleared up now. I did not attempt to treat it.
  • The smaller of the two females that I replaced the male with because he was depressed/lonely seems well...small, and the male has no interest in her, I think its possible that she has anchor worm because there are a few tiny red threads coming out of her backside. I haven't treated her with anything yet.

  • Now all of the fish in my tank have tiny white spots on their bodies and tails, the spots do not look raised or cottony, I noticed this this morning. The tails of my guppies are becoming ragged, I think they're slowly decaying away, some of it is red.

What I have been doing: I've been doing daily (About 10%) water changes using a siphon to remove the dirt from the bottom as I do it. I've reduced feeding to one small meal a day and I've been adding cycle (yes, I know lots of you say this product sucks but the options are kind of limited here!). All of this is me desperately trying to reduce the nitrite, with no luck. It has been at the level it is currently at for about 5 days. Ammonia and nitrate have never gone above 0.

My dilemma: Should I treat the tank for either anchor worm or for the current white dot and tail problem? None of my fish look like like they are feeling any great discomfort. I don't want to have my fish feel any pain or to have them die if their problems get any worse but I'm also desperate to have the cycle continue to get the nitrite down and I know that medication will throw the cycle backwards and I may be right where I started. Could it infact be the nitrite levels that are causing these problems?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Whe positive side... congratulations on your tank cycle reaching the second stage! The ammonia-eating bacteria are in full swing. That's why your nitrites are way high. Now, the nitrite-eating bacteria have to multiply. In the meantime I'd be doing bigger water changes to keep the nitirites at a lower level. The high nitrite levels can stress the fish considerably, contributing to illness by lowering their resistance, I believe.
The white spots sound kinda like ich. I've never had an experience with anchor worm, and I don't know how the meds for these conditions will affect your cycle. Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable in the area of meds wil be here soon to help.
Hang in there.

Update: I've decided to treat the white spot problem first as its possible its Ich, which I've heard can kill whole tanks pretty quickly. I read some other peoples advice on this and they say heat and salt are good treatment. However I think both of these things would severely displease my pleco and possibly kill him so I went out and bought Protozin and as off tonight it will be dark in the fish world for a few days to try and kill off the problem.


Medium Fish
Dec 8, 2005
Maybe try not feeding at all for two days and as hunnybunny said try bigger water changes, maybe closer to 25%. Then retest your levels. The white spots sound like ich. Make sure the water you are replacing is within a couple degrees of the tank water. I am not positive but I believe rasing and lowering the temp of the water frequently can lead to ich.

Should I still do water changes during ich treatments? Last night I increased the temperature and today the lights are off because I heard this helps but I'm starting to get worried now: this morning I found the weaker female guppy (the one I thought had anchor worm) dead and my pleco is looking very lethargic and unhappy:( how can I help them?


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
I would go with the heat and salt with water changes. You need to get those nitrites down -- that's a lethal level. Doing daily water changes with the med might be a problem keeping a therapeutic dose -- with salt you just add more to the changed water to keep the level stable. It isn't a huge dose of salt comparitively speaking, you need to treat this tank regardless and many fish don't handle the meds any better.