The Profiles need you Cichlid lovers

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'd like to get some more profiles up for the cichlid section!

What i need is some of you with species that i don't have. Not having the fish means i don't have pics for it, or anything really.

**The one thing i would like to limit is Mbuna, unless its a clearcut ID. Lots of Mbuna can be hybrids and that would be misleading trying to pass them off as 1 species. This can go for any fish really not just Mbuna. Clear ID please.**

Feel free to PM me or Email me some pictures and general info (if you wish) and i'll pool it all and upload it. If you wish photo credit will be given for your pictures or you can put a watermark on the picture itself.

we are lacking of African species (Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna, west africans, etc). I'm not looking for anything specific just cichlids that are not already in the profiles.

One other thing. On some profiles we have only 1 or 2 pictures for the species...if you have more of that fish feel free to send them. Its always good to have multipule pictures.

Thanks hopefully we'll get some good turnout. :D

Apr 8, 2006
Kearney, NE
I've got some good information on my Kennyi's, Red Shoulder Peacock, Labs, and Livingstoni, all Lake Malawi africans. I also have pretty good stuff on my Dempsey but he is a central american, I have some books coming in this week i'll submit what I find to you if you want it.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Cichlidroobs said:
I've got some good information on my Kennyi's, Red Shoulder Peacock, Labs, and Livingstoni, all Lake Malawi africans. I also have pretty good stuff on my Dempsey but he is a central american, I have some books coming in this week i'll submit what I find to you if you want it.
Well as long as its something like your own experiences or information and not straight out of a book. :)

Any cichlids are good not just Africans.

Cichlidroobs said:
OOH also pictures, I have good specimins but lack a camera, I'll snag one from work and snap some shots.
Sounds good.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
I'm in charge of African profiles on another site, had to start from scratch and haven't done more than like a dozen so far, but you're welcome to the information if you want it....mostly mbuna, but some others too.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
#8 heres a good pic for discus, one of my best

heres on for the guppy how big females can get maybe.

these were my wild discus...they were really sick, i did try though

and i wanted to point out some things about the discus page.
they should not really be kept in communities because their not aggressive eaters and very few fish can stand thier temps
it does need to be pointed out that discus should not be put in anything smaller than a 30g unless thier a breeding pair then thats a minimum. but its best to keep them in groups to spread out aggression.
and technically meat is thier source of proteins and that such but veggies give them thier good color.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Fuzz16 said:
and i wanted to point out some things about the discus page.
they should not really be kept in communities because their not aggressive eaters and very few fish can stand thier temps
it does need to be pointed out that discus should not be put in anything smaller than a 30g unless thier a breeding pair then thats a minimum. but its best to keep them in groups to spread out aggression.
and technically meat is thier source of proteins and that such but veggies give them thier good color.
I'll take the blame for that. For most of the profiles they were done quickly and put up. We always welcome input. However i do believe there are some communities that the discus could very well do good in.